Small packages

2023-10-29 19:54:59BREADS


  It's boring to be at home today, or to make bread, it's hard to be idle anyway, make bread in a different way, as long as the children like it.



One egg.
370 grams of flour
40 grams of corn oil
60 grams of white sugar
160 grams of water
5 grams of yeast
A little salt.

How TO MADE Small packages

Steps 1 to 4

1. The various materials are placed in the order of eggs, white sugar, water, high starch oil, salt, and yeast in the bread barrel.

2. Set up a quick scrub for 30 minutes.

3. Rub until you can pull out a thick transparent film.

4. Mix the dough well and put it in a bowl to ferment.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Yeast up to two and a half liters.

6. The face is placed on the case and after exhausting, it is divided into small pieces and assembled into small circles and relaxed for 10 minutes.

7. Take a piece of growing cake.

8. Roll it up.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Rubbing the shapes of growing old again.

10. When done, it is placed in a pan and placed in a warm place for a second fermentation.

11. Hair to about two and a half times the size, brushed with egg yolk.

12. In the middle layer of the oven, 180 degrees 25 minutes.


Handy cooking tips

  Do not make the second yeast too big, so as not to distort the roast.