Hot dog shaped bread

2023-10-29 19:55:05BREADS





High starch powder 213 grams
53 grams of low-fat powder
4 grams of quick-dry yeast
4 grams of salt
40 grams of white sugar
11 grams of milk powder
27 grams of whole eggs
Warm water 122
27 grams of butter
23 grams of water

How TO MADE Hot dog shaped bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Pour 23 g of boiling water into 20 g of high-strength powder and stir evenly with a chopstick.

2. As shown in Figure 1.

3. Put it in the fridge and refrigerate overnight.

4. The post-oil method involves kneading the dough to the expansion stage, placing it in a bowl, covering it with a preservative film, and undergoing basic fermentation for about an hour.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The dough is doubled in size, the fingers are pollinated, the middle is punctured, it does not shrink or swell, the basic fermentation is over.

6. The dough is aerated, rolled, and divided into six 75 g doughs.

7. Roll round, cover with a preservative film, relax for 15 minutes.

8. Save the sausage for the end.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The loose dough is exhausted, rolled, rolled into an ellipse, and the four corners are pulled into a rectangle.

10. Put on the hot dog.

11. Tighten the interface.

12. Hold on tight.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Seven knives, each divided into eight pieces.

14. Twist the flower shape in the pan.

15. Twist all the flowers.

16. Put in the oven for a second fermentation, about 40 minutes.

17. At the end of the second round, take out the toaster, rub the egg yolk on the surface of the bread, and sprinkle a dry roller in the middle.

18. Preheat the oven 325 F (163 C), middle and upper layer, 15 minutes.


Handy cooking tips

  The amount of water used should be adjusted according to the different seasons and different brands of flour.2. The hot dogs used here are ordinary hot dogs from American supermarkets, the length of which is equivalent to the length of a domestic barbecue.3. the interface and the tail must be tight, can be rubbed a few times on the operating table, so that it is combined more tightly.4.When the 10th step is evenly divided, the interface should be placed on top, so that the twisted flower interface is in the middle, the petals will look better.5. I like to stretch the petals a little longer when twisting the petals, and put them flat on the grill.This way the petals look clearer one by one.You can also twist it your way.The temperature and time of baking should be adjusted according to the temperament of your oven.