Peanut butter bread

2023-10-29 19:58:09BREADS





High powder 220 grams
3 grams of yeast powder
135 grams of water
30 grams of flour
20 grams of water
30 grams of fine sugar
A quarter of a teaspoon of salt
70 grams of peanut butter
30 grams of protein
30 grams of flour
20 grams of almond flour

How TO MADE Peanut butter bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Mix 220 grams of wheat flour, 135 grams of water, and 3 grams of yeast flour and stir into a dough, without the need for smoothness.

2. It is coated with a preservative film and fermented to twice its size.

3. Add 30 grams of high-flour, 30 grams of fine sugar, and a teaspoon of salt to the fermented medium-sized dough, put it in the wrapping machine and stir for 20 minutes until it is slightly smooth.

4. Add the peanut butter.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Stir for another 20 minutes to form a slightly transparent film-like dough.

6. Put it in a container and do a second fermentation.

7. The dough is fermented to twice its size, pressurized and aerated, then divided equally into two parts, rolled around, and the lid is relaxed for about 10 minutes.

8. The dough is first kneaded into an oval, then gently pulled from the four corners, slowly unfolded in all four directions, forming a square.

9. It is gently rolled and the ends of the dough are glued together to form a cylinder of about 30 cm.

10. Cut the head in two pieces with a knife without cutting it.

11. It is arranged in a flower shape and has a tight tail.

12. It is placed in a pan in a warm, moist place for final fermentation.

13. The protein is mixed with the sugar powder and then the almond powder is mixed into a smooth almond sauce.

14. Brush on the surface of the fermented dough.

15. Put in a preheated oven for about 180 degrees for 25 minutes.
