Red wine dry bread

2023-10-29 19:59:06BREADS


  The bread has a strong red wine aroma and a slightly sour taste. It has a beautiful pink color when cut. It feels good to taste this bread while drinking red wine! Whole wheat flour adds nutrition and flavor, fat-free additions relieve the burden.Combined with walnuts and raisins, it has a slightly stronger rich flavor.The more you eat, the better.



180 ml of red wine
220 grams of high-quality flour
50 grams of whole wheat flour
4 grams of yeast
2 grams of salt
20 g of white sugar
60 grams of dried grapes
18 grams of butter
50 grams of nuts

How TO MADE Red wine dry bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Mix the two flours together and add the white sugar yeast to the mixture.

2. Add red wine, wine-stained raisins (I added first, you can also ferment after adding), salt, stir evenly, cover with a preservative film, put in the refrigerator, refrigerate for 40 minutes and remove

3. Remove the frozen dough and knead it until it's soft enough to pull out the thick film, add the butter and continue to knead it until it's soft enough to expand, which is pretty much the same as in the picture (this is the second time I've done the bread picture, so I didn't put the raisins first)

4. It's about 50 minutes of fermentation in the summer, and it's about twice as big, and you can't shrink it by poking a hole in the middle with your hand.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Exhale the fermented bread, add the nuts, knead the dough on one side, cover the preservative and relax for 15 minutes.

6. The loose dough is divided into several shapes that you like, (usually round and elliptical), and then the final fermentation, which is about 1.5 times the fermentation, is done by brushing a layer of egg juice, sifting the whole wheat flour,

7. Put it in a preheated oven, 180 degrees up and down, medium, bake for 30 minutes, it's good! Eat, the family says it's better than buying outside

Handy cooking tips

  It is best to soak the raisins in wine the first night and pour them out the next day to dry them.Whole wheat flour is not directly exchanged for 50g high starch flour.