Wood bread

2023-10-29 20:05:56BREADS





High flour 260 grams
40 grams of egg
10 grams of milk powder
30 grams of white sugar
3 grams of salt
90 grams of water
20 grams of corn oil (or butter)
3 grams of yeast
50 grams of black gallons (or raisins)

How TO MADE Wood bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Put all the materials except the black gallon into the bowl and mix them into clusters.

2. The dough is repeatedly pressed into glossy sheets.

3. After folding the growth square, fold the growth square five times.

4. There are presses that can be pressed with presses.

Steps 5 to 8

5. )

6. The black gallon is spread evenly over the face, rolled up from the short side, and tightened a little.

7. Rolled into a cylinder, the mouth is squeezed down and placed in the middle of the pan with oil paper.

8. The fermentation is doubled, the surface is brushed, and the pattern is drawn with a fork.

9. Put in a preheated oven, 150 degrees, middle and lower layers, 30 minutes, pay attention to the color, bake until golden yellow.

10. Finished product

11. Finished product

Handy cooking tips

  Wood bread does not require basic fermentation, the method is simple, but it tastes good.The dough is a little hard, it takes a little effort to cook it, so it's weight loss.