Cream bread

2023-10-29 20:07:03BREADS





250 grams of starch
50 g of white sugar
120 grams of milk
20 grams of butter
One egg.
3 grams of dry yeast
2 grams of salt
Low flour 40 grams
20 grams of butter
20 g of white sugar

How TO MADE Cream bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. All raw materials, except butter, are packed in barrels.

2. Put the salt and sugar at opposite corners, put the yeast in the middle of the flour, dig a hole and bury it!

3. Put small pieces of softened butter in the dough for another 20 minutes, turn on the fermentation function, and it will grow twice as big!

4. The dough is pressed out of air, divided into several small doses, rolled into strips, placed in a pan of oiled paper, and fermented twice!

Steps 5 to 8

5. Now make the dough, cut the butter into small pieces, add the white sugar, the flour, rub it repeatedly with both hands, keep rubbing it into granules, put it in the refrigerator!

6. After 25 minutes in the oven, pay attention to the oven, the bread is colored with tin foil!

7. Out of the oven

8. Look at the beautiful lace!

9. The finished product!