Bacon and vegetable bread

2023-10-29 20:19:07BREADS





250 grams of high-quality flour
50 grams of low-fat flour
20 grams of sugar
15 grams of milk powder
3 grams of yeast
30 grams of whole eggs
15 grams of butter
150 grams of water
1 gram of salt
7 slices of bacon
Shinjuku vegetables and beans in moderation
Masurilla cheese in moderation

How TO MADE Bacon and vegetable bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. After mixing all the ingredients except the butter and kneading to a certain extent, try to open the dough, kneading a little thinner will tear out many cracks

2. Add butter and continue to knead until the expansion stage.

3. The dough can form a thin film, but the film is not particularly tough and is more prone to breakage.

4. The ruptured hole has an irregular shape, at which point it reaches the expansion stage.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The mixed dough is placed in a dough pan, covered with a preservative film, and fermented at room temperature to 2.5 times its size.

6. Dip the flour with your fingers, press the dough, the dough collapses, it does not bounce back immediately, it indicates that the dough is ready to ferment

7. The fermented dough is expelled into the air, divided into seven pieces, and stirred for 10 minutes.

8. Take a well-fermented dough and use a dough stick to grow a striped dough.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put the chopped slices in the grill pan and brush a layer of whole egg juice.

10. Take a piece of bacon and put it in the center of the long striped plate.

11. A layer of vegetable butter on top of the bacon

12. A layer of masurilla cheese is sprinkled on top of the beans.

13. The whole dough is fermented for the last time (the oven temperature is set to 38 degrees, the whole dough is placed in the top layer of the oven, in another oven it is poured into boiling water, fermented for about 20 minutes, the fermentation process can be changed two to three times until the dough becomes twice the size of the original.

14. )

15. Put in a preheated oven at 160 degrees for about 25 minutes.