Small bread

2023-10-29 20:19:25BREADS


  Some of the leftover breakfast at home was eaten today, but I didn't have time to go out and buy it, so I made a small loaf of bread without fear of death (there was no bread maker at home).



370 grams of high starch flour
One egg.
120 grams of milk
60 degrees of water 70 grams
70 grams of white sugar
5 grams of salt
2 grams of herbs (optional)
20 grams of cream
4 grams of yeast
35 grams of butter
White sugar 15 grams

How TO MADE Small bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. The flour is sifted into a large bowl, a hole is dug in the middle, and sugar, salt, light cream, eggs (and vanilla extract) are added in turn.

2. Mixed and dried granules

3. 60 degrees of water and milk mixed with yeast mixed evenly

4. Add half of the yeast mixture and absorb it into large, moist granules.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put the rest of the dough directly on the chopsticks, don't put it on the chopsticks, it won't feel wet, but please don't add water.

6. Take the dough out and rub it on the mat (it's okay to put it on the table, but it's going to be a lot of trouble to clean it later). The dough will be sticky, so insist that you don't add flour.

7. All sorts of fights (please be patient) up to half the extent.

8. Add sugar flour and butter to the baking machine.

Steps 9 to 12

9. It's all wrapped up.

10. I'm so grateful to my mother for giving me a strong body that allowed me to take this step.

11. It's not big enough, so I took a plate and covered it, and of course I could put a plate of hot water underneath it, and the oven was 35 degrees, and after 20 minutes, I let it ferment naturally for a while, and then I heated it for ten minutes, and then it fermented completely naturally.

12. It's a bit of a hassle because the dough is sticky, so it's a bit of a hassle.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Ten minutes after implantation

14. The fermentation method is the same as the 11 steps.

15. After the bread is doubled in size, brush the middle layer of the egg oven to 175 degrees for 10 minutes (please adjust the time and temperature slightly according to your own heat)

16. After the bread comes out of the oven, brush the eggs again and bake for five minutes.

Steps 17 to 20

17. The last time the eggs are cooked, it takes ten minutes for them to come out.

18. The skin is crispy, the inside is soft, and the bread is really touching.

Handy cooking tips

  The butter should be cut as small as possible because I'm a little lazy so I didn't pay attention so that later the butter didn't mix into the dough for half a day the water, milk and yeast should be separated from the other ingredients the milk is at normal temperature and the water is cooked and cooled to 60 degrees the water temperature should be a little warm the private method of boiling the egg juice: add water and sugar powder and add two drops of vanilla extract when baking the bread put on a baking tray the surface of the bread so that the color is well controlled if there is no extra baking tray you can also lay a baking net a sheet of tin or remove the bottom of the baking cake