
2023-10-29 20:22:11BREADS


  Because my boyfriend is German and always likes to buy bread to eat, I'm going to try it at home, and here's how I do it myself, and my boyfriend likes to eat it.



Bread flour (high starch) 480 grams
260 grams of water
8 grams of salt
4 grams of white sugar
10 grams of yeast

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Steps 1 to 4

1. First the ingredients bread flour 240g, water 130g, salt 4g. yeast 5g, stir the water and yeast thoroughly and let stand for 5 minutes, the bread flour is sifted once and then all the ingredients are poured together, taking care to avoid direct contact of salt and yeast water

2. After kneading into a smooth dough, cover with a wet cloth and put in the refrigerator for seven hours, I usually do this step at night and get up the next day to continue.

3. The next day, prepare the remaining ingredients and repeat the first step, this time put the sugar and yeast together in water to melt and mix all the ingredients into the dough.

4. Take the dough that was made yesterday and mix it with today's two doughs into one, the process is more laborious, it is better to mix it into pieces with a doughnut and fold it and repeat it several times.

Steps 5 to 8

5. And then it's put in the heat for an hour, and my bowl isn't big enough, so I put it in two separate bowls.

6. I'm going to take it out and shape it, and I'm going to make a bigger one, so I'm going to split it in half, or I'm going to split it in three if I like the smaller one.

7. First grind it into an elliptical shape, then fold it like a cloth from above and press it with the palm of your hand.

8. The upper and lower sides are folded to the middle line and pressed.

Steps 9 to 12

9. If you fold it again, you have to press it tightly or it will crack when you bake it.

10. Cut the bread with a knife and put it in the heat for more than an hour.

11. The cracks in the bread are so big that you can put a little bit of flour in the oven.

12. Oven temperature 200 for 30 minutes, preferably with a small bowl of water in it

13. It's a good cut.