Low-fat sugars are good for your health - wheat germ soft pack

2023-10-29 20:22:33BREADS





Liquid - high starch flour 200 grams
Liquid - 2 grams of yeast
Liquid - 5 grams of refined sugar
Liquid - water 200 grams
50 grams of high-quality flour
75 grams of boiled water
Main dough - 175 grams of bread flour
Main dough - 30 grams of whole wheat flour
Main dough - wheat germ 45 grams
Main dough - 4 grams of yeast
Main dough - 30 grams of refined sugar
Main dough - 10 grams of honey
Main dough - 75 grams of water
Main dough - 5 grams of salt
Main dough - 30 grams of butter

How TO MADE Low-fat sugars are good for your health - wheat germ soft pack

Steps 1 to 4

1. Mix the liquid dough one day in advance

2. The mixed dough is sealed, fermented at 24-26 degrees for 1 hour, placed in the refrigerator and refrigerated for 12 hours.

3. Before making the bread, boiling water is poured into 50 g of high-strength flour, quickly stirred evenly without dry powder, and dried for cooling.

4. Remove the liquid dough and bring it back to room temperature before making the bread

Steps 5 to 8

5. Mix all the ingredients of the dough and the main dough together and mix the dough.

6. The dough is kneaded into a smooth dough and then covered with a preservative film and a wet cloth to ferment, folding the dough like a folding cup until it is fermented for about 45 minutes, it is good to continue fermenting after covering the cloth

7. The dough is fermented to twice its size and the exhaust gas is removed.

8. After exhausting, split into suitable sized rolls and set for 25 minutes.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Then it is formed into the desired shape and placed in the oven to ferment to twice the size, the surface is sifted dry, cut, the oven is preheated to about 220 degrees, baked for 15 minutes

10. 500 grams of flour fermented in a vine basket

11. 100 g of round dough