Purple rice bread

2023-10-29 20:26:32BREADS





200 grams of flour
Low flour 50 grams
3 grams of yeast
40 grams of fine sugar
A little bit of salt
10 grams of milk powder
25 grams of eggs
135 grams of water
25 grams of butter
200 grams of cooked rice
100 grams of water
40 grams of fine sugar
A little salt.
10 grams of cornstarch
70 grams of raisins

How TO MADE Purple rice bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. The practice of purple rice grape filling: purple rice is cooked with a little water, sugar and salt are added to melt and stir.

2. Corn flour is washed with a little water, poured into the purple rice, boiled again, and added to the washed raisins.

3. After the oil method, all the materials except the butter are placed in the packing machine, the start and dough process, etc. The dough is stirred until smoothly added to the butter and the dough continues to be kneaded until the expansion stage, the start of the fermentation process until the dough is 3 times larger.

4. At the end of the fermentation, the dough is removed, the exhaust is divided into 16 parts, the roll is loose for 15 minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The loose dough is rolled into a round shape, flipped over, then wrapped in a purple rice filling, and squeezed tightly.

6. The dough is placed in a pan and kept warm for final fermentation.

7. At the end of the fermentation, the egg juice is rubbed on the surface of the dough, dipped in water with a dough stick, dipped in black sesame, and lightly pressed on the middle of the dough.

8. Place in a preheated 180°C oven, medium layer, on low heat, 15 minutes.

9. I used the same method to make the meatballs, and they were delicious.

10. In the same way, after loosening, the dough is made into an oval, wrapped in meat dough, and rolled from top to bottom.

11. Another blessing for the whole family!