Hot dog rolls

2023-10-29 20:30:57BREADS


  Some people might think it's an exaggeration to say that hot dogs are superhuman, but my grandmother said that Americans consume 19 billion hot dogs a year, 90 per person, worth $500 million, and that the hot dogs that are eaten on the equator can go 26 times around the world.Oh, you must have figured out that this normal and superhuman thing is in the United States.Anyway, there must be a reason why hot dogs are so popular, mainly because they are easy to eat and taste good.There is a way to eat hot dogs directly stuck in the middle of sliced bread, and there is a way to make them into bread rolls.Hot dogs made into bread rolls are more convenient to carry, and are a good choice for breakfast or as a side dish.



200 grams of starch
40 grams of low-fat flour
5 grams of milk powder
White sugar 18 grams
3 grams of salt
25 grams of eggs
3 grams of yeast
140 grams of water
20 grams of butter
Eight of them.
10 grams of egg juice

How TO MADE Hot dog rolls

1. The main ingredients are mixed and kneaded into a dough, then kneaded until the dough is finer, softer and more elastic.

2. Add the butter to the soft slices and continue to knead until the butter is completely absorbed and the dough is expanded.

3. The dough is placed in a container covered with a wet towel and placed in a warm, moist place for the first fermentation, about 60-90 minutes.

4. Remove the dough until it is doubled in size, and use your hands to lightly press the dough to expel the air bubbles inside.

5. Divide the dough into eight equal parts, knead round, cover with a wet towel and relax for 10 minutes.

6. After loosening, the small dough is rubbed into 15 cm long strips, the sausage is wrapped in a spiral for 3 or 4 rounds, the dough at the end is fixed in the baking tray, left in a warm and humid place for final fermentation for about 40 minutes, the dough is fermented to 1.5 times its size.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

8. Brush a layer of egg juice on the surface of the fermented bread, put the top layer in the oven, bake for about 15 minutes until the surface is golden yellow.


Handy cooking tips

  The length of the dough can be slightly adjusted according to the length of the sausage.Note that the length of the noodles will reveal about 1 cm of sausage on both sides after wrapping the sausage, and the dough will remain flat with the sausage until the end of the final fermentation.