Bread and butter

2023-10-29 20:31:11BREADS





230 grams of flour
45 grams of white sugar
80 grams of whole eggs
35 grams of milk
60 grams of butter
5 grams of salt
A moderate amount of egg juice
Black sesame in moderation
A moderate amount of soy sauce

How TO MADE Bread and butter

Steps 1 to 4

1. Put all the ingredients together and add 150 grams of dough (the ingredients of the dough are the same as the ingredients above, plus 5 grams of yeast, the yeast should be reused in warm water, fermented for at least two hours, if room temperature is not enough, put in the oven to ferment, or boil hot water in a pot and put the dough on the water divider to ferment)

2. The remaining dough is placed in the refrigerator to be frozen and then thawed for the next use.

3. Mix the dough smoothly and cover it with a preservative film for 20 minutes.

4. Cut into a small dough (the size is up to you) and rub it with the palm of your hand into a drop of water.

5. Thin it with a doughnut stick, put it on the soy sauce filling, roll it from top to bottom.

6. Put it on the grill, and put the grill on the oil paper.

7. The bread is coated with egg yolk and then with sesame seeds.

8. The oven is heated to 180 degrees and baked for about 20 minutes.


Handy cooking tips

  1. I don't make bread with high flour, I make bread with ordinary flour as long as I mix it a little more.It is better to add milk a little bit, because flour has a different water content.3. Preheat the butter to room temperature.