Cheese pudding bread

2023-10-29 20:33:38BREADS





High powder 260
Low powder 120
Yeast 5
The Salt 6
White sugar 25
Powdered milk 16
Eighty eggs.
Water and water
Soups and stews
Butter and oil 60
100 grams of cheese
20 grams of sugar
40 grams of milk
40 grams of cream
30 grams of eggs
2.5 grams of lemon juice

How TO MADE Cheese pudding bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. 1 First make the soup (high flour 260 low flour 120 yeast 5 salt 6 sugar 25 milk powder 16), 100 grams of water add 20 grams of flour mixed evenly, put on gas heated to 65 degrees from the fire, stirring continuously in the middle to prevent the bottom of the pot from burning.

2. Apply a fresh film to the surface of the paste and refrigerate for one hour after cooling to room temperature.

3. 3 Post-oil method to beat the material (whole egg 80 water 87 soup 100 C butter 60) to the expansion stage.

4. 4 Fermented at room temperature to twice the size.

5. 5 minutes 50 g one, rolling loose for 15 minutes

6. 6 Turn the dough's mouth down, flatten the exhaust with force, and knead it into a circle.

7. 7 Cut the bottom round with a mousse circle smaller than the dough.

8. 8 becomes a circle and a circle bottom.

9. 9 Round bottom first put into the paper mold.

10. 10 put it in a circle.

11. 11 Ferment for one hour at a temperature of 36 degrees and a humidity of 70 degrees in a homemade fermenter.

12. 12 Fermented to twice the size.

13. 13 poured into the pudding liquid.

14. 14 preheated ovens, 160 degrees up and down for 20 minutes.

15. Pudding: 100 g of cheese, 20 g of sugar, 40 g of milk, 40 g of soft cream, 30 g of eggs, 2.5 g of lemon juice, 1 g of cream cheese, 2 g of cream cheese, 3 g of cream cheese, 3 g of cream cheese, 3 g of cream cheese, 4 g of cream cheese, 4 g of cream cheese, 4 g of cream cheese, 5 g of cream cheese, 5 g of cream cheese, 5 g of cream cheese.


Handy cooking tips

  1 You can choose your favorite dough 2 you can also make it without cutting, second fermentation put a small mold in the paper film, weighing, after fermentation, pour into the pudding liquid roast3 Can be baked like pudding bread, can be used without baking pudding liquid, refrigerated condensed, then decorated with fruit, is a good banquet dessert4 The pudding for bread should be thicker than that made in a container bottle, and the finished product should have a stronger flavor.