Peanut butter bread

2023-10-29 20:36:53BREADS


  Bread with coconut flour is delicious, especially during baking, the room is filled with the smell of coconut flour.A few days ago, I bought some coconut flour and used it to make bread, this time in the shape of a braid, baked bread shining crystal clear in the light, good looking and good to eat.



One egg.
250 grams of flour
40 grams of corn oil
40 g of white sugar
60 grams of water
50 grams of coconut
10 g of white sugar
10 grams of corn oil
One egg yolk

How TO MADE Peanut butter bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. In the bread barrel, put an egg, pour 40 grams of corn oil, 60 grams of water, salt and sugar in opposite corners.

2. Flour opening and dough process and dough fermentation

3. Put an egg yolk in the bowl, add 10 grams of corn oil and 10 grams of sugar

4. Stir evenly

Steps 5 to 8

5. Coconut flour mixed into flakes to make coconut filling

6. The fermented dough is removed and the exhaust is divided into six dough rolls on the operating table.

7. Take three tablespoons of each of the growing strips and put them on the coconut flour.

8. Roll it up.

Steps 9 to 12

9. All three are good.

10. Woven in a braid shape

11. Following this method, the other three doughs are also prepared and placed in the oven.

12. The secondary embryo is cut with a knife and the egg is brushed on the surface.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Put it in the oven and bake it for 30 minutes.

14. The baked bread is taken out to dry, and the crystals are illuminated by the light.