Red wine milk and whole wheat toast

2023-10-29 20:41:15BREADS





The amount of yeast
100 grams of flour
2 grams of dry yeast
20 grams of red wine
80 grams of milk
Moderation of the main group
125 grams of flour
25 grams of whole wheat flour
Milk and 85 grams of whole eggs
8 grams of milk powder
1 g of yeast
3 grams of salt
15 grams of butter
15 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Red wine milk and whole wheat toast

Steps 1 to 4

1. All the ingredients of the yeast head are mixed until there are no particles. Cover with a preservative film and refrigerate for more than 15 hours (not more than 3 days).

2. I refrigerated it for 20 hours.

3. Take it out.

4. Then it's all in the charger.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Except butter, salt and pepper.

6. Other materials used in baking machines.

7. Mixed to extended phase.

8. Then add the oil, salt, and pepper.

9. Grinding to completion

10. It has to come out of the hand.

11. Fermented to twice the size

12. Exhaust rolling circle

13. Straight into a beef tongue, rolled up (small bubbles are completely removed when exhaling), covered with a fresh film, relaxed for 15 minutes

14. The interface is up again.

15. Roll the interface down into the mold.

16. Nine points to go.

17. As shown in figure