Middle-fermented rose bread

2023-10-29 20:41:40BREADS


  The Chinese fermentation method, also known as the refrigerated fermentation method, is to ferment the flour and dough in advance, this method is easy to get out of the glove film, the bread is very soft, you can try the Chinese fermentation method.However, some mothers also say that Chinese dough is more troublesome, in fact it depends on what you think, if you want to eat bread two days in advance and put it in the refrigerator, you can do it when you take it out, Chinese dough is fermented in 17 to 72 hours.



Medium amount of material
High starch flour 300 grams
220 grams of milk
5 grams of yeast
A moderate amount of plain flour
Eggs 60 g (with skin not exceeding)
High starch flour 85 grams
40 grams of butter
3 grams of salt
50 grams of sugar
A moderate amount of egg juice

How TO MADE Middle-fermented rose bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. First make the seeds, put the seeds together and face them.

2. Put it in a bowl, mix it into a dough, mix it evenly so you don't have to mix it too much, cover it with a preservative film, refrigerate it for at least 17 hours, no more than 72 hours, I left it for 48 hours.

3. It's hard to ferment twice as much in a normal refrigerator.

4. But there's a hive inside and it's fermented.

Steps 5 to 8

5. 80 grams of starch, 3 grams of salt, 50 grams of sugar

6. Tear the dough into small pieces and put it in the bread machine, turn on the kneading function once, without the use of the bread machine, knead, knead, etc., but it will be a little tiring

7. If you don't have this thin film, you can put butter on it. If you don't have this thin film, you can put butter on it. If you don't have this thin film, you can put butter on it.

8. I put 40 grams of butter in the dough, and my bread maker added butter to the dough for an hour, and it turned on the dough twice, and the lid was open all the time.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Wait for the glove to stop rubbing.

10. Fermented in a warm place to twice the size

11. Exhaust molding is the process of removing the gas from the surface by hand, which cannot be omitted without affecting the subsequent molding.

12. Divided by 20 etc.

Steps 13 to 16

13. For 15 minutes, I didn't have a blanket in my house.

14. Take a small roll of dough and press it into a circle.

15. Five groups stacked together.

16. Roll it up from the bottom, tighten it.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Cut the middle with a knife.

18. It's shaped like a rose, and the OCD can be shaped a little bit.

19. It's been fermented in the oven for 20 minutes in an eight-inch mold, and there's no mold for the pizza plate or anything.

20. Fermented to twice the size

Steps 21 to 24

21. Brush a layer of egg yolk on the surface

22. The oven is heated at 170 degrees for 25 minutes.

23. Put it in a bag and eat it the next day.

Handy cooking tips

  If you don't finish the fermented dough, you can change it to another style the next day and make it again.