Milk and honey

2023-10-29 20:41:59BREADS





500 grams of high-quality flour
5 grams of high-sugar yeast
60 grams of butter
Eggs 60 grams
6 grams of salt
90 grams of fine sugar
240 grams of milk

How TO MADE Milk and honey

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, add the ingredients, such as milk and egg liquid, to the stirring bucket of the cooking machine.

2. Then add the salt.

3. Add flour, fine sugar, and finally dig a small hole in the middle of the flour and bury it in the yeast.

4. Put the stirring bucket back on the cookware and place the grinding paddles on it.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The grade is changed from min to 1 grade.

6. The ingredients are mixed at a low speed, then slightly adjusted to 1 degree, stirring the dough.

7. Cut butter, to be used.

8. Stir for about 15 minutes, turn off the cookware.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Check whether the dough has reached the preliminary expansion stage.

10. You can remove the membrane, you can add butter.

11. Add pre-prepared butter and continue stirring.

12. After about 30 minutes, turn off the cookware.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Inspect the dough, and you'll see a thin, elastic film.

14. By this time, it had reached the stage of full expansion.

15. If you like to make bread, the cook's machine is the best companion.

16. It saves time and effort, and it's effective.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Remove the dough and put it in the bowl.

18. It is covered with a preservative film for basic fermentation.

19. The dough base is well fermented, the dough is lightly kneaded, the air is exhausted.

20. To determine whether the dough is well fermented, it can be tested with the fingers by pressing the following dough.

Steps 21 to 24

21. If pressed, the fermentation is not good, the fermentation needs to continue; if pressed, the fermentation is just fine; if pressed, the fermentation is just fine; if pressed, the fermentation is excessive.

22. It is evenly divided into six parts.

23. Mixed into dough.

24. Cover it with a preservative film and leave it in the bowl for 15 minutes.

25. Take a piece of dough and spread it thinly on a layer of flour.

26. It grows in a square shape, with both sides folded three times in the middle.

27. Growth stripes.

28. At this point, the door is open.

29. Put the lid down and stretch it a little longer.

30. Roll gently from top to bottom.

31. Close the door.

32. Put it in a toast box, cover it with a preservative film, and ferment it twice.

33. The fermentation is nine percent complete, and the egg yolk is brushed.

34. Put in a preheated oven on the second floor and bake for 35 minutes at 150°C.

35. When baked for a dozen minutes, observe the color, coated with tin paper.

36. After baking, take it out and dry it on the side of the baking net.

37. Because it's too high, if you don't dry it, it's easy to collapse.

38. This bread is extremely soft.

39. You can see the marks on the sides.

40. Soft as cotton.

41. On the third day, you can still eat it in pieces.

42. It's a very high-quality dish.

43. Get dressed.
