Depp's oven recipe is handmade.

2023-10-29 20:42:44BREADS





525 grams of high starch flour
225 grams of low-fat flour
100 grams of eggs
290 grams of water
250 grams of Danish beans
90 grams of flour
6 grams of salt
White sugar 130 grams
12 grams of yeast
10 grams of milk
75 grams of butter

How TO MADE Depp's oven recipe is handmade.

Steps 1 to 4

1. Raw materials

2. Pour the flour, sugar, and yeast into the stirring vessel and mix slowly for 1 min;

3. Add the eggs and milk to the mixing bowl and stir slowly until there is no dry powder;

4. Add the old face and change it to a quick stirring to pull out the rough film;

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add butter and salt, stir quickly until the dough is slightly smooth, remove the dough

6. The dough is kneaded into a 2 cm thick shape, wrapped in a preservative film, and frozen for 30 minutes.

7. Remove the dough, open it, and wrap it in a neat Danish doughnut oil.

8. Open, 0.5 cm thick, length-width ratio 1:4, fold both ends to the center, seal the interface, fold together again, (four folds at a time)

Steps 9 to 12

9. Repeat the previous step operation (fourfold twice)

10. The face is cut into slices 1.5 cm thick, into long strips 4 cm wide and about 30 cm long;

11. Folded into shapes, put into molds,

12. Final fermentation takes about 90 minutes

Steps 13 to 16

13. Eight minutes to ferment, remove, brush the surface of the egg,

14. Turn the Depp oven to a high heat of 190 degrees and bake for 25 minutes.

15. This is the finished product.

Handy cooking tips

  In order to make the pattern of the hand-made bread clearer, it is necessary to cut off the excess edges when folding; freshly baked bread can be brushed with a moderate amount of honey water, which can make the bread more attractive;