Red sugar gingerbread

2023-10-29 20:44:00BREADS


  Ginger juice, red sugar water, is good for the body and this crispy flavored bread is the classic combination used.The bread is edible, has a sweet taste of red sugar, and a faint taste of ginger.When freshly baked and cooled, the outer skin is crisp, and the inside of the bread is soft.~by @dust



Soup: 15 grams of high starch
80 grams of water
Main dough: 200 grams of high flour
40 grams of red sugar
2 grams of salt
20 grams of water
3 grams of yeast
15 grams of butter
A spoonful of ginger juice
50 grams of fresh milk
50 grams of red sugar
50 grams of butter
15 grams of whole eggs
50 grams of low-fat flour
Almonds in moderation

How TO MADE Red sugar gingerbread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare all the materials.

2. The ingredients of the soup are stirred into a lump while cooking on a small fire, then removed and dried, covered with a preservative film, refrigerated for one hour, then mixed with the main dough ingredients (except butter).

3. After kneading into a uniform dough, add butter softened at room temperature.

4. Continue to grind at medium speed until the fine film is pulled out.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The dough is basically fermented to more than twice its size.

6. After the fermented dough is exhausted, it is divided into nine equal parts, rolled in a pan covered with oil paper, for a second fermentation.

7. It is made from a mixture of red sugar and butter softened at room temperature.

8. Add whole egg juice and stir in an egg beater until loose.

Steps 9 to 12

9. After sifting the low-powder flour evenly, pour it into the flower bag.

10. Bread dough fermented to more than twice its size.

11. The finished red sugar peel is squeezed onto the loaf of bread, forming a circle.

12. The almonds are crushed into small grains and sprinkled on the skin.

13. Preheat the oven, turn on 190, turn off 160, bake for about 20 minutes.

14. Take it out and put it on the dryer to cool it off.


Handy cooking tips

  When baking, if you want a light color, cover it with tin paper in the middle.The baking temperature and time are for reference only, please adjust according to the actual situation.