Bread with meat

2023-10-29 20:47:50BREADS


  The whole family loves the meatloaf bread.



140 grams of high-quality flour
75 grams of water
15 grams of butter
1.25 ml of salt
5 ml of dry yeast
5 ml of milk powder
20 g of white sugar
10 grams of egg juice
A little bit of salt.

How TO MADE Bread with meat

1. According to the handmade bread making process, all the ingredients for making bread dough are kneaded into dough, kneaded to the extended stage that can pull out the thin film, fermented to 2.5 times the size at room temperature, the fermented dough is expelled into the air, divided into four parts, kneaded into small round doughs, for 15 minutes of intermediate fermentation.

2. A medium-fermented dough is pressed flat and made into an oval with a doughnut stick

3. The meat is loosened at the top of the oval dough and rolled from top to bottom.

4. When rolled, the two sides are slightly folded inwards, and the ends are folded, forming an olive-shaped dough with two ends.

5. The formed dough is placed in a baking tray and placed at a temperature of 38 degrees and a humidity of more than 80% for final fermentation until the dough is twice its original size.

6. Brush a layer of whole egg liquid on the surface of the dough after fermentation

7. A thin slice of salad dressing is pressed on the surface of the dough.

8. Put in a preheated oven, 180 degrees, for 15 minutes.
