Red bean sandwiches

2023-10-29 20:48:15BREADS





High starch powder 140 grams
80 grams of water
1 teaspoon of dry yeast
1 teaspoon of salt
25 grams of fine sugar
6 grams of milk powder
15 grams of whole eggs
15 grams of butter
125 grams of beans

How TO MADE Red bean sandwiches

Steps 1 to 4

1. Add dry yeast, milk powder, sugar, salt, and stir evenly in the flour.

2. Then add the whole egg juice, add the water and knead it into a dough.

3. At first, the dough will be very sticky, and you will continue to knead it until it becomes a smooth dough.

4. Stir until the dough opens to a transparent thin film, then add softened butter and continue stirring.

Steps 5 to 8

5. It is more resilient than the transparent thin film of the dough, which can be rubbed into a smooth dough.

6. The packaging of the preservative film wakes up to 2.5 times the size, about an hour or so.

7. After fermentation, the air is squeezed out and the growth strips are cut into six pieces and then wrapped in red bean sand in an oval shape.

8. The middle section begins and ends continuously.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Twist it like a flower and then turn it around.

10. Wrapped in red bean sand

11. The middle is open, and the end is continuous.

12. Twisted into a flower shape and then twisted together.

13. Put it in the topmost bottom of the oven and put it in a bowl of hot water and continue to emit 2.5 times as much.

14. About 40 minutes.

15. It's time to take out a layer of egg yolk and preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

16. 180 degrees 15 minutes.

17. Shaping

18. It tastes like what's sold outside.

19. My baby is eating it, haha.

Handy cooking tips

  Grinding and stirring is a very important step for bread.