Ham bread

2023-10-29 20:48:46BREADS


  At the beginning of the new school year, teachers repeatedly emphasized that they must make a nutritious breakfast for their children, preferably not eating at roadside stalls.But every day the shops on the street are full of adults and children, four or five parents I know, and breakfast is almost all eaten in the shops outside, basically no breakfast.My grandmother has been eating breakfast at home every day since she was a little girl, and every day she works hard to make it.No, bread is also made to change colors.



460 grams of high starch flour
30 grams of butter
White sugar 25 grams
245 grams of milk
3 grams of salt
3 grams of yeast

How TO MADE Ham bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. All the ingredients are ready, take out the food container of the cookware (and the dough stirring bucket), and put the ingredients and the dough in this order: first add the water, the milk, the butter, then the salt, the sugar, the flour, finally make a small pit on the dry flour, and finally bury the yeast in the dough pit.

2. Rotary gearbox, open two gears, cook machine automatic and in the middle...

3. About 2 minutes, the dough is formed and softened butter is added.

4. Continue to knead the dough for about ten minutes, tearing the dough with your hands so that you can pull out the thin film.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Arrange the dough and put it in a warm place for the first fermentation.

6. Fermented to 2-3 times

7. Remove the dough that has been fermented for the first time, gently rub the exhaust, divide it into eight parts, roll it, cover it with a preservative film and relax for 10 minutes.

8. After loosening, the dough is pressed flat, rubbed into growth strips, and peeled open.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Wrap the ham in it and squeeze it out at the end.

10. Cut on average with scissors, be careful not to cut.

11. Pinch the two ends together, slowly fold them outwards, exposing the ham, if not made into a circle, folding directly left and right is a long strip.

12. Long stripes

Steps 13 to 16

13. A second fermentation is carried out in a warm, moist place, and after fermentation, the whole egg is brushed on the surface of the bread.

14. In the oven, the middle layer is heated for 180 to 20 minutes.

15. (Set the temperature according to your oven temperament)

Handy cooking tips

  A tip: 1 loaf of bread needs to be shaped, and the amount of liquid can be reduced when the dough is shaped, which facilitates shaping.2 liters of butter can be added to the liquid first, or it can be added later.3 can be squeezed into salad dressing, decorated with onion flowers, sweet beans, corn, etc.