Traditional English bread - super simple

2023-10-29 20:48:58BREADS


  This is from CETPOUL to teach you how to make bread with zero chance of failure, the most basic way to make bread, which is better suited to accompanying dishes.



500 grams of high-quality flour
7 grams of flour
1 gram of salt
Olive oil 30 grams
320 ml of water

How TO MADE Traditional English bread - super simple

Steps 1 to 4

1. If you want the bread to be softer, you can add the dough time. This dough method is not easy to do and it's very sticky. You have to have enough courage and patience.

2. Cover the dough with a protective film, let it ferment in a warm, moist place for two hours, the dough doubles in size, take out the batter and the dough, blow out the bubbles for 10 minutes, knead into an oval, put directly on the oil and paper toaster, continue to ferment for two hours, the dough can be covered with two glasses of water on either side.

3. After waking up, sprinkle some water on top of the dough, sprinkle a layer of flour, draw a few slanted lines with a knife, preheat the oven to 220 degrees, put some water under the oven, middle and bottom for 25 minutes.

4. The oven will knock on the surface of the bread, proving that it's baked.

5. This bread is especially suitable for people who can't eat sugar.

Handy cooking tips

  The dough is boiled in cold water, which allows the dough to ferment more fully. The yeast and salt must be placed on both sides, and the longer the dough is baked, the softer the bread is.