Octopus bread

2023-10-29 20:48:59BREADS


  This bread is actually only the shape of a small octopus, but the inside tastes like a sausage, and a heart of meat should be worn on a bamboo stick when photographed.My aunt hasn't bought bread from outside for a long time.Our bread machine works happily almost every day.It's like I'm a good cook.



250 grams of starch
20 grams of butter
10 grams of milk powder
20 grams of whole egg juice
About 130 grams of water
25 grams of fine sugar
2 grams of salt
Bacon three.
3 grams of instant yeast
Sausage in moderation
Seaweed debris
A moderate amount of sesame seeds
Fish flowers in moderation
A moderate amount of whole egg juice

How TO MADE Octopus bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. The bacon is processed first, the surface moisture is absorbed with kitchen paper, it is placed in a non-sticky flat pan, it is cooked slightly on a low flame, then the bacon is sliced for backup.

2. Put all the ingredients in the dough except the butter and bacon in the wrapper, remember not to add all the water at once, leave about 10-20 grams, see the moisture viscosity of the dough and consider whether to continue adding, then start the kneading process, set for about 20 minutes.

3. When you've had seven or eight minutes, you'll have a smooth dough, and then you'll pause the process, and you'll put the butter in small pieces, and then you'll continue to knead the dough until the butter is completely absorbed, and then you'll have five or six minutes left, and then you'll add the bacon to the dough.

4. You can take a small piece of dough and see, like this can pull out the membrane, to the expansion stage, the dough is ready.

Steps 5 to 8

5. It is then left in a barrel or in a pan for basic fermentation at a temperature of about 28 degrees, remembering to cover it with a preservative film to prevent moisture loss.

6. I poured it for about an hour and a half, and it was twice the size of the original, and I put a little bit of flour on my hand, and I poked my eye, and it didn't shrink, and it was fine, and then I took the dough out under pressure, and I let it sit for 10 minutes.

7. When the weather is hot, the dough will be cooked for about an hour or so, don't cook it, otherwise the dough will collapse and become acidic.

8. Then I split the dough into about 35 to 38 grams each, and I split it into about 14 pieces, and then I roll it all up, and then I let it sit for five or six minutes, and then I split it for fermentation.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Then take a dough and wrap it in a piece of sausage or ham.

10. After wrapping, the lid is turned down and placed in a paper mold, three in a set.

11. Put a bowl of boiling water at the bottom of the oven, then put the bread in, do a second fermentation, this time for 40 minutes, and it's already a little fat.

12. Afterwards, a layer of whole egg liquid is brushed on the surface, then the oven is preheated to 180 degrees, then the middle layer is baked on low heat for about 15 minutes.

Steps 13 to 16

13. If the top of your oven is too hot, you can cover the surface with a layer of tin paper to prevent the surface from burning.

14. After baking, it is cooked in the oven, and after it is not heated, it is pressed on the surface with a layer of salad dressing, after which it is sprinkled with seaweed, and finally sprinkled with fish flowers.

15. It's amazing that the flowers dance in the heat.

16. Remember, the bread will be out of the oven in two hours.

17. Otherwise, the fermentation gas inside has not yet evaporated, which will irritate the stomach.

18. Special feature

19. Special feature

Handy cooking tips

  This bread does not need to be kneaded to the full stage, and a thicker film can be pulled out to the expansion stage.The time of mixing the dough is based on my bread maker, everyone uses different brands, you can adjust.You can also wrap the inside in meatloaf, or spread the onions on the surface, etc., and make your own bread anyway.