Hamburger with cheese

2023-10-29 20:51:25BREADS


  For the past two days, I've been focusing on a book called "The Way to Happiness" by Dr. Taylor Ben Shahar of Harvard University.It is said that his "Positive Psychology" course at Harvard is the most chosen course by Harvard students, even exceeding the long-standing number one "Principles of Economics".In today's society, I don't know when happiness started to go beyond the economy and become the focus of people's attention.Although it feels strange to be asked on the street, "Are you happy?" but when the question comes to mind, "Am I happy?" it turns out to be an unavoidable question in life.Where is happiness? Shahar uses science to tell us that happiness can be in our own hands.Shahar transformed happiness from an abstract noun to a science that can be defined an experiment an exercise In his view, happiness should be a combination of happiness and meaning.The first chapter of his book The Way to Happiness proposes the hamburger model to illustrate this definition.It turns out that in that year, in order to prepare for the important tournament, Shahar had to strictly control his diet in addition to hard training.For a month before the race, he could only eat the leanest meat, whole wheat carbohydrates, and fresh vegetables and fruits.He secretly swore that once the tournament was over, he would have to eat junk food for two days.As soon as the game was over, the first thing Shah Rukh Khan did was run to his favorite hamburger shop and buy four hamburgers in one go.When he eagerly tore open the paper bag and put the hamburger in his mouth, he stopped.Because he realized that last month, because of his healthy diet, he was physically fit.If you enjoy the taste of a hamburger in front of you, you may regret it and affect your health.Looking at the hamburgers in front of him, Shahar suddenly realized that each of them had its own unique flavor, representing four different lifestyles.The first kind of hamburger is a typical junk food, and it tastes good, and after eating it, it's endless.Eating this hamburger is equivalent to enjoying the pleasures of the present, but burying the endless worries of the future.People who enjoy themselves in the moment without thinking about the future belong to the hedonistic type, whose motto is "enjoy yourself in the moment, avoid pain", and they focus on the pleasures of the moment, not worrying about any possible negative consequences.The Moonlight Tribe that we often talk about is the representative of this kind of people.People with a hedonistic type use escape to refuse to face, but they can't escape for a while, but when they have to face, they find themselves exhausted, and in the end they have to suffer.The second type of hamburger is the atypical health food, which is made entirely from organic vegetables and organic food, and although it is very good for health after eating, it has a bad taste when chewed, making it difficult to swallow.This type of person, as opposed to the hedonistic type, who sacrifices immediate happiness in order to pursue future goals, is what we call a busy person.Guo Haiping in the shelter has just started buying his own house for the future, so choosing to live in the shelter is a typical case.There are two possible outcomes of the busyness, one is that you get used to the busyness and forget that the purpose of the busyness is to enjoy happiness, so you spend your whole life in the busyness; the other is that the busyness lasts for a long time and suddenly finds that you are not worth living like this, suddenly turning into hedonism.The third kind of hamburger is the worst, it's not good for you, it's not good for you, it's not good for you, it's not good for you, it's not good for you, it's not good for you.Similarly, there is a kind of person who has lost hope and desire for life, who enjoys neither the present nor has any hope for the future, which we call the nihilistic type.There are two manifestations of nihilism, one is the feeling of being abandoned by the world in a way that abandons the whole world, the other is the feeling of being abandoned by the world in a way that abandons the whole world, the other is the feeling of being abandoned by the world in a way that abandons the whole world.The fourth kind of hamburger, the kind of hamburger that we all want, the kind of hamburger that's delicious and good for our future health, we call the happy hamburger.In fact, each of us may choose a different hamburger at different times.Just like some people like McDonald's hamburgers, some people like Kentucky hamburgers.Your choices also determine the state of your life.More than 10 years ago, Shahar met a young man.He is a lawyer who works for a well-known firm in New York and is about to become a partner.Sitting in his luxury apartment with a beautiful view of Central Park.Young people work very hard, at least 60 hours a week.In the morning, he struggles to get up, drags himself to the office, meetings with clients and colleagues, legal reports and contractual matters, occupy his every day.When Shahar asked him what else he wanted to do in an ideal world, the lawyer said he wanted to work in a gallery.Are you saying that you can't find a job in a gallery in the real world?But if you work in a gallery, you'll earn a lot less and your standard of living will drop.Although he was disgusted by the lawyers' building, he felt he had no other choice.He's not happy every day because he's tied to a job he doesn't like.In the United States, 50% of people are not very satisfied with their jobs.But Shahar believes that the reason these people are unhappy is not because they have no other choice, but because of their decisions that make them unhappy.Because they put material things and wealth before happiness and meaning.Money and happiness are essential to survival, not mutually exclusive.Al-Shahar says that the more interested people are in something, the more they can use their talents, and the more persistent they can be.Once people have enthusiasm, not only are they motivated, but they are also more efficient.For example, a student who loves to learn can enjoy the joy of creativity in learning, and this joyful result can also help him achieve good grades and help him achieve future happiness.The same is true in intimate relationships, where two people share the beauty of love and promote each other's growth and development.Many studies have shown that a happy person is successful in all aspects of life, including marriage, friendships, income, work performance, and health.There is a strong interaction between happiness and success, and success, whether at work or emotionally, can lead to happiness, and happiness itself can lead to more success.Well, it's too heavy to talk about life, but when it comes to food like hamburgers, my aunt likes to cook them for her family.Not only is the ingredient healthy, but you can also master the softness of the bread and the filling inside.As in everyday life, the people around you, especially the complaints or negative energies, may affect you, but whether you are happy or not, whether you are happy or not, the main line of this life is in your own hands from beginning to end.My hamburger, my life, my own boss.



200 grams of high-quality flour
50 grams of low-fat flour
35 grams of egg juice
120 grams of water
20 grams of fine sugar
1 gram of salt
3 grams of instant yeast
20 grams of sesame oil
Ham in moderation
The right amount of vegetables
A moderate amount of cucumber
Tomatoes in moderation
8 pieces of cheese
Two eggs.

How TO MADE Hamburger with cheese

Steps 1 to 4

1. Let's start with the hamburger.

2. Put all the ingredients in the bowl and mix.

3. Because I use a cook's machine to knead the dough, and if you're a baker, you pour the dough into the bread bucket.

4. Using 1 step of the cook's machine, mix all the ingredients evenly, then open to 3 steps and knead into a smooth dough.

Steps 5 to 8

5. If you're a baker, you can choose to knead the dough for about 15 minutes.

6. The dough is kneaded until the thick film is pulled out and the dough is not broken.

7. The dough is placed in a warm place for basic fermentation.

8. It's twice the size of the original.

Steps 9 to 12

9. It took me about two hours.

10. The dough is removed by pressing the exhaust and left to stand for 10 minutes.

11. It is then divided into eight equal parts, each rolled in a circle, and left to rest for 10 minutes.

12. Take a dough, rub a layer of egg yolk on the surface, and then put it in the sesame seeds.

Steps 13 to 16

13. It's recommended to use white sesame, which looks much better than my black sesame.

14. Eight doughs are placed in a warm, moist place for a second fermentation.

15. It'll take about an hour.

16. After cooking, the oven is preheated to 180 degrees, and the middle layer is baked for about 15 minutes.

17. The surface sesame will spread due to fermentation, so when dividing the dough and the sesame in the front, it must be done evenly so that it does not affect the effect of the finished product.

18. The baked bread is put aside to cool, and then the eggshells are ready to be made.

19. Spread the eggs and stir evenly.

20. The bottom is heated without sticking to the pan, add a little oil, and spread the egg yolk into the eggshell.

21. The eggshells, along with the lettuce, ham, tomatoes, and cucumbers, are cut into thin slices of the right size.

22. Cut the hamburger in half from the middle, be careful not to cut the edges, then insert the material that has just been cut and the cheese slices, and the hamburger is ready.

23. Life is good.

Handy cooking tips

  You can change the filling according to your situation.I chose the simplest ham with cheese.If you have time, you can add roasted chicken legs, beef, or pork chops to the filling.You can add anything to the salad according to your taste.2 Surface sesame if not added It is recommended to use white sesame, which looks better than black sesame.