Fruit and cream bread

2023-10-29 20:51:46BREADS


  A thick milk-scented bread tempts your taste buds



High powder 300 grams
35 grams of butter
30 grams of eggs
5 grams of salt
A moderate amount of whole egg juice
150 grams of cream
40 grams of milk
45 grams of white sugar
6.5 grams of yeast
Black sesame in moderation

How TO MADE Fruit and cream bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparation of raw materials

2. The ingredients other than butter are poured into the barrel in the order of liquid and solid, the sugar and salt are placed at opposite angles, and the flour is poured into the yeast one by one.

3. Start an imitation process for 15 minutes, then start an imitation process after the end of the process, and graph the dough after the end of the two processes.

4. Take a piece of dough and check that although the dough is smooth, it is easy to break when the dough is slowly stretched, to the extent that it needs to be kneaded again, the dough is rounded and put back in the bread bucket

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add pre-cut small pieces of softened butter and start an imix process again for 20 minutes

6. Dough at the end of three procedures

7. Test the dough again, and the thinner glove film can be easily protruded.

8. Gently pull the mask, and you can see that the hole is smoother and flatter.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The dough is collected and placed back in the bread bowl, covered with a preservative film for basic fermentation.

10. Fermentation to 2-2.5 times the original

11. If you poke a hole with your fingers, it won't bounce back, it won't shrink, and it'll ferment.

12. The fermented dough is removed from the exhaust and divided into 6 equal rolls, covered with a preservative film and left for 5 minutes.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Take a piece of dough and cut it into ellipses.

14. The sides of the mask are folded tightly, with the mouth facing downwards.

15. Take another piece of dough and make it look like a caterpillar.

16. Apply blueberry jam to the bottom of the mask and leave a space above.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Draw a line with a knife in the empty space.

18. The dough is rolled up from the bottom, rolled up to the dough, and the small pieces are put back on the dough to make the caterpillar bread.

19. Now put all the bread in a pan with grease paper.

20. Place the finished bread embryos in the oven and re-ferment them to 1.5-2 times their original size.

Steps 21 to 24

21. Remove the bread embryos, brush on the surface a layer of egg juice, sprinkle a moderate amount of black sesame, put in a preheated oven, medium layer, 175 degrees, 15 minutes

22. Baked bread

23. Map of the finished product

24. Map of the finished product

Handy cooking tips

  The second fermentation makes the bread softer and softer.