Fresh bread

2023-10-29 20:53:28BREADS


  Newcomers are just messing around.I want to do a lot, but I'm afraid I won't be able to finish, so let's do something together, the public is new to psychology, right? So follow me and let's play!



300 grams of wheat flour
One egg.
30 g of white sugar
3 grams of salt
4 grams of highly active yeast
30 grams of butter
Milk powder or skim milk 20 grams
Cold boiled water 135 grams (more than 10 grams if milk powder is added first)
The following is a list of onion sausage ingredients.
Onions (dry as possible) half a bowl or more
Guts (I'm a short hot dog) 6 or more
Here are some of the ingredients.
1 egg yolk (excess protein for the bread crust)
50 grams of coconut
20 grams of milk
15 grams of melted butter
The following chocolate bread ingredients
15 g of cocoa powder
50 grams of chocolate

How TO MADE Fresh bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. The whole family is happy.

2. First of all, let's prepare the filling! First of all, let's prepare the filling! First of all, let's prepare the filling! First of all, let's prepare the filling!

3. Mix evenly and add more milk until you like the humidity.

4. Put the rest of the protein and an egg together and stir evenly!

Steps 5 to 8

5. Take out a big bowl of boiling water and mix it! Put half of the flour (150 g) in it.

6. The remaining half of the flour is mixed with 3 g of salt.

7. Say 25 g of egg juice, 20 g of refined milk, add all the yeast powder and 135 g of water (if you had refined milk before, add 5 g of water).

8. Stir continuously with a stirring rod

Steps 9 to 12

9. About 3 minutes (small bubbles on the surface)

10. Pour into the remaining flour

11. Stir as shown, and the wood is crushed.

12. Finely squeezed and left on the lid for 10 minutes.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Wrapped in softened buttermilk (30 g)

14. Continue to squeeze, for about 20 minutes, it's not very sticky, basically achieving 2 light, hand light and disk light (it seems that if you're bored, you can directly skip the random wrestling part into one fermentation)

15. I really want to achieve smoothness in the tutorial, but I don't have the energy to grasp the dust keys.

16. So it's all about the fights...

Steps 17 to 20

17. That's right! That's how you pull it down and fold it in a fight!

18. Turn the other way for about 30 minutes.

19. Finally, it turned white and became as smooth as a picture.

20. Cut the fruit, apply a thin layer of vegetable oil to the surface, and prepare it for fermentation.

Handy cooking tips

  Forgive me, I'm a beginner, my hair isn't good enough! It's a little hard, but it tastes good! So follow this tutorial, fermentation success is good to eat! I'll keep fueling fermentation success!