Honey bean cheese bread

2023-10-29 20:57:17BREADS





200 grams of flour
25 grams of butter
127 grams of milk
38 grams of egg juice
3 grams of yeast powder
Low flour 50 grams
3 grams of salt
38 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Honey bean cheese bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. All ingredients except butter are put into the bread maker.

2. Add butter after stirring for 15 minutes.

3. Continue stirring until the film can be pulled out.

4. The dough is kneaded, covered with a preservative film, placed in a warm place, fermented to twice its size.

Steps 5 to 8

5. After basic fermentation, the dough is divided into 9 equal parts and loosened for 15 minutes after rolling.

6. After loosening, the dough is flattened.

7. It is wrapped in cheese and honeybees after rolling.

8. Close your mouth, roll around, and do it next time.

9. A second fermentation is carried out in the oven.

10. (I put it on the heater)

11. When the hair doubles in size, the surface is brushed with egg juice and white sesame seeds.

12. Place in a preheated 175-degree oven, medium layer, heat up and down for 15 minutes.

13. After the bread is colored, remember to add the tin paper.
