Round toast bread

2023-10-29 20:58:28BREADS


  It is also known as the dragon's eye, the book's outline is recorded; it can be taken for a long time, it can be used for a long time, it can be used for a long time, it can be used for a long time, it can be used for a long time.In modern medical research, garlic is rich in plant proteins, vitamins, and soluble sugars, commonly used for anti-aging, anti-cancer, and beauty care.Today, in this cold winter season, especially for the vast majority of netizens, especially the ladies, a new kind of toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast toast.



High starch flour 300 grams
100 grams of meat
25 grams of milk powder
60 grams of eggs
3 grams of active dry yeast
60 ml of purified water
40 grams of butter
50 grams of fine sugar
5 grams of salt

How TO MADE Round toast bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. All the ingredients.

2. Use 60 ml of warm water to dissolve 5 grams of sugar and mix it with the yeast.

3. Highly starchy milk powder, salt and sugar are mixed evenly and placed in egg yolk soup.

4. The mixture of flour and other ingredients is then mixed with boiled yeast water and absorbed in a bowl.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Finally, stir the dough.

6. The dough is removed from the pan and placed on the board, and the dough is kneaded until the dough is initially hardened.

7. The downstream process is to add butter to the face, first soften the butter naturally at room temperature, cut it into pieces with a knife, rub it in the face, until it is smooth, continue to rub the face with the method of rubbing until it is delicate, cut not like rubbing the head with pressure, rub it until the face can pull out the muscle membrane like chewing gum, and finish this step.

8. By hand, the dough is spread on the pattern into large, rectangular slices, folded back and forth, placed in a steel bowl, covered with a preservative film on the bowl, for basic fermentation.

Steps 9 to 12

9. As long as the room temperature is above 28 degrees Celsius, natural fermentation is possible, and the winter cold in the north can replace the steam boiler as a insulator.

10. The method is to heat the steam boiler with water, so that the touch is not hot, the thermometer measurement should be controlled at 30 to 40 degrees, put in the lid of the pan covered with a fresh preservative film and cover the pot, it takes about two hours, in the middle if the water in the pot is cold, you can take the cage down and heat it again, cut the cage without heating it.

11. If you don't have good temperature control, you'll be wasted, and that's bad enough for you!

12. The dough base is fermented to two to two and a half times its original strength and removed from the pot.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Take it out of the pot.

14. Pressure exhaust is carried out on the case board, then the flat surface is rolled up, the growth strip is rubbed with a rubber knife and divided according to your needs.

15. I'm going to use this 300 grams of dry dough to make a big toast, so I'm going to divide the dough into three pieces, which is also called toast three combinations, and you can also make shapes on the toast, like braids, and so on, so let's start with the easy ones.

16. The method of dividing the dough is to knead it into a dough, then rub it a little longer, use an oval-shaped doughnut stick, on top of which you can sprinkle whatever ingredients you like, this time I use a round doughnut so it's called a round doughnut doughnut, put the raisins in it and call it a toast doughnut doughnut, whatever you want.

Steps 17 to 20

17. After putting it on, shake the plate from the back of the car and roll it into a roll.

18. Then fold it left and right into a small square and put it in the mold.

19. A total of three are arranged neatly in the mold.

20. Oh! Don't forget to put oil in the mold beforehand, so it's easier to mold the bread, you don't have to use a mold with non-sticky paint.

Steps 21 to 24

21. Preheat the oven, turn off the power for about 30 to 40 degrees, put the mold in the oven, put some water in the bottom shelf with the container, in order to keep the moisture in the oven can have a good heating effect, spray a little water with a spray can on the breadcrumbs, but in the middle you need to spray twice, heating until the furnace expands one to one and a half times, about 40 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the condition of maintaining the constant temperature of the oven.

22. Finally, remove the egg yolk from the bread dough.

23. The oven is preheated at 250 degrees for five minutes, adjusted to 200 degrees, the bread dough is placed in the oven for baking, the dough mold is first covered with tin paper, leaving two heating holes on the tin paper, because to avoid premature coloring and the inside is not cooked (these problems do not exist if it is a large oven).

24. The roast is basically ripe for about 25 minutes, take out the tin paper and apply the oil, then roast for 10 minutes, the color is uniform and can be cooked, the total time is 35 minutes.

25. The bread is cooked in the oven and then cooled.

26. The bread is too big and the oven is too small, the fire is too close to the mold, it takes a lot of time, it's going to be baked in a hurry, the big spoon in the past has failed, so it's going to be baked with cake and cheese, ha ha!


Handy cooking tips

  Warm tips; remember, the dough is too big to make before it goes into the mold! Because, once the dough is cooked, it has to be cooked twice and a half, and when it is cooked, it has to be cooked almost a third, so it must be reserved for cooking space, my original mistake cannot be repeated, haha! Besides, don't eat baked bread like me, remember, baked bread takes time, must be cooked!