Pumpkin bread

2023-10-29 20:58:30BREADS


  Pumpkin bread, the color is very high! Nutritious, the color is attractive, so that people do not dare to eat it.



One egg.
40 grams of white sugar
3 grams of yeast
Pumpkin mud in moderation
White rope size
15 grams of milk powder
25 grams of cooking oil
250 grams of high-quality flour
1 gram of salt

How TO MADE Pumpkin bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Try to buy old pumpkins that are darker red and peel them.

2. Cut and put in a stainless steel basket

3. Put it in a pressure cooker and wait for the steaming process to release the excess water from the pumpkin.

4. Steam for 10 minutes

Steps 5 to 8

5. Steam it out while it's hot, stir the pumpkin into clay, stir the pumpkin out of the water, remember the finer the stir, the better, you can pour out the excess water

6. Keep half of the pumpkin paste out, don't put it all in the flour.

7. 250 grams of flour, 15 grams of milk powder, 40 grams of white sugar, 3 grams of yeast.

8. 1 gram of salt, 1 egg mixed into the base dough (this time I used all the pumpkin paste, because the pumpkin paste itself is very moist, so I didn't add water)

Steps 9 to 12

9. If the dough is too soft, add a small amount of dry flour, like on the hand and the dough 3 light, use the bread machine and the wall of the dough to clean, not sticky, you can pause with your hand to press the dough, feel the soft and hard medium to continue and do the dough

10. The dough can be added to the dough in stages and after a procedure to check the glove film, the glove film stops the dough after 10 minutes.

11. A small amount of oil is applied to the bag in advance to prevent it from sticking, the dough is removed from the bread bowl, the bag is packed, the bag is sealed, the bag is placed in the refrigerator and refrigerated overnight.

12. The next day, the dough bags were taken out of the fridge and the dough was fermented.

Steps 13 to 16

13. The dough is aerated, divided into six portions, and soaked for 10 minutes.

14. Roll round, one by one by hand.

15. Relax for another 10 minutes.

16. The white rope used to wrap the noodles is arranged in a rice pattern.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Place the rolled dough in the middle of the rice crossing.

18. Fold the eight strings separately and tie them tightly, remember not to tie them too tightly, leave room for fermentation, put the finished bread on the grill, then put it in the oven for a natural second fermentation, which takes about an hour

19. This is well-fermented bread, a thin layer of eggs on a uniform brush.

20. Preheat the oven for 5 minutes, heat it up to 150 degrees, lower the heat to 140 degrees, bake for 20 minutes, then cover the tin foil paper for 5 minutes, so that the color of the bread surface skin does not look bad, take off the tin foil paper for the last 2 minutes, then spend the next few minutes observing the color of the bread in time next to the oven.

Steps 21 to 24

21. The color is in place, take out the bread immediately.

22. Freshly baked bread.

23. The color is just right! The color is very beautiful! After cooling, cut the rope on both sides of the bread, pull the rope on the side out slowly, do not tear the outer skin of the bread, affecting the beauty!

24. It's like a pumpkin with a small piece of biscuit in the middle of the bread, isn't it?

25. You can put an orange on it or you can put it on it!

26. Finished product

Handy cooking tips

  The color of the pumpkin bread is very important! The color is determined by the temperature of the oven, so baking is the most important! According to the temperature of the oven in your home, adjust the temperature of the oven properly.