Oatmeal and milk toast

2023-10-29 20:58:45BREADS


  Making handmade bread is an enjoyable process, watching the flour slowly coalesce and then slowly rub out the glove film, the dough keeps fermenting, the baking gives off the smell of a full house, all the busy things are accomplished.



250 grams of high-quality flour
30 grams of oats
One egg.
140 ml of milk
4 grams of yeast
30 grams of white sugar
30 grams of butter
4 grams of salt

How TO MADE Oatmeal and milk toast

Steps 1 to 4

1. Weigh the milk, eggs, salt and yeast, put them in the packing barrel, and add the high-fructose sugar and oatmeal.

2. Start the baking machine and the dough function, 10 minutes, use the baking machine to prepare the dough and make the dough;

3. Remove the dough, knead the dough on the doughboard (the method depends on personal preference), put the dough in the butter after it is hardened, continue to knead the dough, at first the dough will be difficult to see, slowly the dough will merge with the butter and the dough will be smooth, well kneaded, not sticky;

4. Continue to knead the dough until the glove membrane is removed, in the process of kneading the surface, pay attention to feel the moisture of the dough, if the dough loses water and dries, replenish the moisture in time, put your hands wet on the dough, continue to knead the dough, master the moisture of the dough, the glove membrane can be quickly kneaded out;

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put it in a clean bowl, cover it with a preservative film and let it ferment in a warm place;

6. The dough is doubled in size, and the finger is inserted into the middle of the dough, so that the hole does not collapse and does not deform, indicating that the dough is well fermented;

7. The dough is aerated and divided into three equal parts for an intermediate fermentation of 15 minutes;

8. The dough is made into an oval shape with a chopstick, the width of which is equal to the width of the toast membrane.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Roll the dough tightly from top to bottom;

10. Put it in a box of toast (450 grams);

11. Release the water from the pan, place the toast box in the oven, create an environment similar to 38°C, 85% humidity for secondary fermentation;

12. Ferment until the mold is nine percent full, and cover it with a toast cap.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Put in a preheated oven, heat up to 170°C for 35 minutes.

14. Deposition after cooling;

15. The toast is cooled, placed in a fresh-preserved bag, sealed at room temperature, and sliced the next day.

Handy cooking tips

  1 ton temperature for reference, adjusted according to the individual oven;