It's like a deer's tail.

2023-10-29 20:59:31BREADS


  Those who are watching my recipe will see that I sent a similar recipe a few days ago, yes.But this grapefruit is also better controlled. Oh, my friends, hurry up and collect it!



150 grams of high-quality flour
30 grams of cream
50 grams of milk
25 grams of butter
White sugar 8 grams
One egg.
3.5 grams of yeast
High starch flour (medium dough) 100 grams
3 grams of white sugar (medium dough)
Yeast (medium-sized dough) 1.5 g
50 grams of milk (medium dough)
3 grams of salt
10 grams of chocolate (for cocoa butter)
5 grams of cocoa powder (for cocoa butter)
80 grams of raisins

How TO MADE It's like a deer's tail.

Steps 1 to 4

1. The night before, prepare the dough.

2. Put it in a larger bowl, stir evenly with a chopstick, and rub it a few times with your hand.

3. Put it in the fridge and refrigerate it.

4. Fermented to 3 times

Steps 5 to 8

5. Tear the fermented seeds into small pieces

6. Good for other dough ingredients (because the butter was just taken out of the fridge and couldn't be cut open to take a picture)

7. Add the cream, milk, eggs, sugar, and salt.

8. Add the flour, stir evenly with a chopstick, then put it in the yeast and stir evenly again.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Let's get our hands on the board.

10. The scraper is a must-have for every scrub.

11. The dough is smooth on the surface.

12. The method of rubbing: rubbing like washing clothes, or falling.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Cut out a small piece and see.

14. You can open the membrane.

15. Add softened butter and continue to knead.

16. Until the thin film of the glove is finished.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Divide the dough equally into two parts.

18. One of them is pre-melted chocolate and cocoa powder.

19. Put it in two equal-sized bowls and cover it with a film.

20. Put it in the oven to ferment... (ACA oven fermentation is stable, thank you)

Steps 21 to 24

21. About 45 minutes to fermentation (fermentation is dependent on ambient temperature, slightly longer in cold weather)

22. Taking out the exhaust

23. Start adding white dough!

24. When it's done, it's eight pieces, about the same weight, or it can be divided into equal parts.

Steps 25 to 28

25. The finely chopped cocoa dough is then mashed into strips, which takes some time to wrap, and the rest of the dough is covered with a preservative film.

26. Open the dough and put it on the rolled cocoa dough.

27. Roll it up (note that the total length is no more than a toast mold box).

28. Then the rolled dough is placed one by one in the dough mold.

Steps 29 to 32

29. Cover the lid.

30. Put it back on the oven shelf, put a bowl of hot water underneath, and continue the second fermentation.

31. About 50 minutes, ferment for 9 minutes, remove the brushed egg juice.

32. Preheat the oven at 175 degrees and bake for 50 minutes.

Steps 33 to 36

33. After baking, you need to remove the mold, after it cools, cut it open, it's well organized.

34. Here comes the one.

Handy cooking tips

  Each oven has a different temperament, and the temperature can be adjusted according to your own flexibility; 2 tablespoons of toast are ready to be molded immediately, put on the oven to cool, and if you can't eat it all at once, you can put it on the lid of the fresh bag, so it doesn't affect the taste of the food afterwards; 3 tablespoons of flour absorb water slightly differently in different seasons, and the milk can be adjusted according to the situation; 4 tablespoons of light cream can be used instead of milk or water;