Chinese coconut toast

2023-10-29 20:59:32BREADS





25 grams of eggs (medium dough)
50 grams of butter
50 grams of white sugar
Half an egg.
High flour (medium dough) 300 grams
150 grams of milk (medium dough)
Sugar (medium wheat flour) 7.5 g
Butter (medium-sized dough) 5 g
Yeast (medium-sized dough) 1.5 g
Protein (main dough) 20 grams
Fine sugar (main dough) 37.5 g
Salt (main dough) 3 g
Milk powder (main dough) 45 grams
1 g of yeast (main dough)
Butter (main dough) 5 g
50 grams of coconut
40 grams of milk powder

How TO MADE Chinese coconut toast

Steps 1 to 4

1. After softening the butter, add the sugar to the mixture evenly, then add the eggs to the mixture evenly, and finally add the coconut powder and the milk powder to the mixture evenly, and the coconut powder filling is ready.

2. All the ingredients of the dough are mixed and kneaded into a uniform dough (without kneading the dough), then covered with a preservative film, placed in the refrigerator and fermented for 17-24 hours.

3. After fermentation, the medium-sized dough has grown to 2-2.5 times the size of the dough.

4. The dough is cut into small pieces, mixed with the ingredients other than butter in the main dough, the dough is kneaded until the expansion stage, and the butter cut into small pieces is continued to be kneaded until the full expansion stage, i.e. the dough is able to pull out a large thin film.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put it back in the warmth to ferment.

6. After re-fermentation, the dough is divided into three parts, rolled round and loose for 15 minutes, the dough grows tongue-shaped, applied to the coconut filling.

7. It is rolled from top to bottom in a cylindrical shape, with a deep cut in the middle.

8. (Do not cut)

Steps 9 to 12

9. Fold both ends of the rolled dough downwards and arrange them neatly in the doughbox.

10. Cover with a wet towel and do another fermentation.

11. Fermentation is complete.

12. (Up to eight points)

13. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake on high heat for about 40 minutes.

14. About 15 minutes, depending on the situation in Toshiba, add tin paper.

15. A lot of coconut, a bite, a lot of satisfaction.


Handy cooking tips

  I put it in the fridge and refrigerator, and the next morning I take it out and make it again.Then we can do it the same day.2. When fermenting afterwards, cover with a wet towel to avoid drying the surface of the dough.It can be placed in the oven and microwave, as well as in a bowl of boiling water, to make the temperature and humidity more suitable.3. Since the toast box is uncovered, the bread is baked for about 15 minutes, the surface of the dough is colored, and the tin paper is covered to prevent the surface from being baked.