Blueberry toast

2023-10-29 20:59:34BREADS


  It's cold, the appetite increases, and the daily breakfast is especially important.Today I made a blueberry toast that was very popular with my family.The anthocyanins in blueberries have good eye health effects, can promote the regeneration of TV purple in the cells on the retina, protect the crystals, and can prevent severe nearsightedness and retinal detachment.It's helpful for night drivers, people who spend a lot of time staring at screens, and people who use their eyes too much.



High powder 300 grams
40 grams of fine sugar
40 grams of egg
100 ml of milk
40 ml of water
4 grams of flour
30 grams of butter
Moderate amount of butter
2 grams of salt
Blueberries in moderation
A moderate amount of rum
Coconut flour in moderation
A moderate amount of egg juice

How TO MADE Blueberry toast

Steps 1 to 4

1. Weigh all the ingredients well.

2. The ingredients are also ready, and the blueberries are soaked in rum until soft.

3. The main ingredient is an egg, the main ingredient is 40 grams of eggs, and the remaining egg remains on the surface of the final bread.

4. Prepare a little butter and coconut flour.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Using a slightly larger container, place the liquid ingredients at the bottom, put the sugar, salt and flour in the middle, and put the yeast flour on top.

6. Stir with a chopstick until dry.

7. The packaging machine is set to customize and face 20 minutes.

8. Then put in softened butter and continue cooking for 40 minutes.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Divide it into 5 equal parts with good dough and relax for 15 minutes.

10. Butter melted into a liquid.

11. Take a slice of dough, brush it with a layer of butter, sprinkle it with a layer of coconut powder, and put a few blueberries in it.

12. Five pieces in a row, stacked together again.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Cut it into four pieces and put it upright in the toast mold.

14. In the oven for fermentation.

15. A well-fermented loaf of bread is brushed with egg juice, sprinkled with a layer of coconut powder, and sprinkled with some blueberries.

16. 175-degree preheated oven, middle and lower layer, upper and lower fire for about 30 minutes.

Steps 17 to 20

17. It is baked for about 15 minutes with tin foil, and then it is baked for 15 minutes.

18. The characteristic of this bread is that it is only fermented once, and the process is relatively short.

19. It's very loose, and the organization is great.


Handy cooking tips

  There is only one fermentation process, which reduces the time considerably.Relatively economical.