Purple toast

2023-10-29 21:00:21BREADS


  Purple mashed toast, high-quality and delicious!



250 grams of high-quality flour
50 grams of purple potatoes
1005 grams of clean water
50 grams of egg juice
3 grams of yeast
25 grams of fine sugar
Egg juice (brush the surface) in moderation
2 grams of salt

How TO MADE Purple toast

Steps 1 to 4

1. All materials are ready to be steamed, pressed into clay, and sifted.

2. 125 grams of high-quality flour, 55 grams of pure water, 30 grams of egg yolk, 13 grams of refined sugar, 1.5 grams of yeast, 1 grams of salt after mixing with the dough, transfer to the dough mat, rub out the thick film, add 8 grams of butter, continue to rub

3. After about ten minutes, the dough can be pulled out.

4. 125 grams of high-quality flour, 50 grams of purple potato paste, 20 grams of egg yolk, 50 grams of clear water, 12 grams of fine sugar, 1.5 grams of yeast, 1 grams of salt are mixed with the dough with a chopstick and then transferred to the dough mat for about ten minutes until the dough is thicker than the thick film.

Steps 5 to 8

5. After about ten minutes, the dough can be pulled out.

6. Two doughs covered with a preservative film fermented to 1.5 times the size

7. After exhaling, cover the fresh film and relax for fifteen minutes.

8. The dough is rolled together with a rolling stick.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Second fermentation in a 450 grams toast mold

10. Fermented to eight percent and brushed with egg juice

11. Put the bottom layer in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Handy cooking tips

  1. each brand of flour has different water absorption, increase the amount of water as desired 2. do not roll the dough too tightly when folding it last 3. each oven temperature is different please adjust according to the temperature of your oven