Black sesame honey cake

2023-10-29 21:00:24BREADS


  It's been freezing these days, DOG, it's been a bad day without heating...Sleeping in the dorm every night, waking up the next day with cold hands and feet, sleeping until midnight and wearing autumn pants, it's really freezing, but it's okay, it's been sunny and warm all week, no matter how comfortable it is, by the way, come for a piece of cake, the afternoon is not so good.



200 grams of flour
70 grams of black sesame
30 g of white sugar
100 grams of low-fat flour
50 grams of vegetable oil
10 grams of flour
40 ml of water
2 grams of white sesame
10 g of honey

How TO MADE Black sesame honey cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Let's start with the sesame filling: the black sesame I chose is cooked, so I crushed it directly with a doughnut stick, if the relatives are not cooked, you can not pour oil and incense first, then continue to crush it.

2. Add 10 g of flour with honey and 10 g of white sugar (the flour is added to the dough to prevent the sugar from melting when heated and flowing out of the cake)

3. You can mix it evenly.

4. Next, make the dough with 200 g of flour, 20 g of white sugar, 25 g of vegetable oil, 40 ml of clear water, put it in the container, customize the dough, and let the dough smooth for 10 minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put it aside with good water and oil, cover it with a preservative film, and relax for 30 minutes.

6. When the skin is loose, add 25 grams of low-fat flour and vegetable oil to the dough and mix evenly into the dough.

7. The top is a water and oil skin, and the bottom is a butter and butter dough.

8. Divide the peel and the dough into eight small doughs.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Open the skin of the oil and put it in the dough and wrap it in a bag.

10. Wrap all the dough.

11. The small round ball is pressed flat, folded into an olive shape, and rolled up from one end.

12. Fold it flat and roll it up at one end.

Steps 13 to 16

13. It is cooked in a flat, coiled slice, and placed in a cooked sesame filling.

14. It's all right.

15. Wrap all the black sesame pastry, sprinkle a little clear water on the surface, and put a little white sesame decoration.

16. Preheat the oven, put it in the cake, heat it on the middle layer, 180 degrees, bake for 15 minutes.

Steps 17 to 20

17. The color is pale.

18. Open it and see the layers.

19. It's cold, so don't be in a hurry to eat it. (Because I'm hungry, I just ate a small piece of it, and it got hot.)

20. Oh, my God.

Handy cooking tips

  1. my sugar is not very sweet, if you prefer sweet children's shoes, you can increase the amount of sugar.The temperature of the oven must be adjusted according to the situation at home. Add flour to the sesame filling, because there is white sugar, the sugar will melt when heated, and if the harvest is not good, it will flow out of the cake, so the flour is equivalent to a thickener.In fact, pork fat is very fragrant, and the level of preparation is also more distinct.First of all, we don't have pork fat at home, and secondly, for health reasons, we've replaced it with vegetable oil.You can use oil according to your circumstances.