Triangular bread

2023-10-29 21:00:27BREADS


  The paranoid me is the one who likes coconut.



25 grams of egg juice
25 grams of egg juice
Egg juice (brush the surface) in moderation
High starch flour (dough) 200 grams
8 grams of flour
Milk (dough) 1005 grams
Salt (dough) 2 g
25 grams of white sugar (dough)
Yeast (dough) 3 g
Butter (dough) 20 grams
Butter (filled) 25 g
40 grams of coconut
20 grams of white sugar
10 grams of milk (filled)

How TO MADE Triangular bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare all the dough ingredients and indicate the required weight in ACA abbreviation...

2. All the ingredients of the main dough, except the butter, are placed in the wrapping machine (the yeast is placed on top, not in direct contact with the salt) and the dough is started and baked for 30 minutes.

3. After 30 minutes, add the softened butter and continue to start the kneading for 30 minutes until complete.

4. We gently pull the dough out of the thin film, and then we do a fermentation in the bread machine...

Steps 5 to 8

5. The time of fermentation of the dough we prepare the coconut filling, all the ingredients are good.

6. Add the milk to the mixture evenly, then add the egg juice in stages, stirring evenly once and then adding again until all is added.

7. Add coconut to the mixture.

8. Cover with a preservative film and put in the refrigerator for storage.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The dough is well fermented...

10. The fermented dough is extracted by squeezing out the air...

11. Divide the average by six... and cover it with a fresh film for ten minutes. (Of course, if you want smaller portions, you can do it yourself...)

12. Take a good dough, press it in the palm of your hand, wrap it in a moderate amount of coconut flour...

Steps 13 to 16

13. Wrap it in a tiger pouch and roll it around...

14. It's not like I'm going to be able to do it.

15. Folding from the left and right sides of the plate... forming a triangular shape...

16. Turn your back to cut with scissors... be careful not to cut...

Steps 17 to 20

17. It's a good cut.

18. Take the dough, stretch out the cut edge. Take the tip of the dough out of the cut edge...

19. Treat everything the same way... do a second fermentation...

20. Fermented dough, (then we can pre-heat the oven.)... rub a layer of egg juice on the fermented dough... (if there's a little black sesame on it, it'll look better)

Steps 21 to 24

21. Put it in a preheated oven, heat it up to 150 degrees, lower it to 130 degrees, and it's OK for about 20 minutes.

Handy cooking tips

  The oven temperature given is only for baking...