Cucumbers and potatoes for breakfast

2023-10-29 21:02:17BREADS


  This is the second packaged breakfast for children, made with pumpkin paste for the dough, purple potato paste for the filling, perfectly combined, attractive in color, nutritious and healthy.



High starch powder 300 grams
50 grams of pumpkin
80 grams of milk
40 grams of white sugar
40 grams of egg juice
40 grams of sesame oil
4 grams of yeast
20 g of white sugar
2 grams of salt
150 grams of purple
10 grams of cooked rice flour
A moderate amount of coconut

How TO MADE Cucumbers and potatoes for breakfast

Steps 1 to 4

1. Liquids such as milk, eggs, etc. are added to the bread bowl, salt and white sugar are added, high starch flour is added, yeast is added, pumpkin paste is added, two dough processes are started, then the yogurt process is started, fermentation is selected for 60 minutes

2. The fermented dough is removed from the exhaust and kneaded.

3. Divide evenly into 8 small doughs, cover with a preservative film and simmer for 15 minutes.

4. Purple mashed potatoes mixed with white sugar and cooked glutinous rice flour

Steps 5 to 8

5. It's a little bigger.

6. Take a dough and wrap it in purple potatoes.

7. All packaged breakfast is cooked in a pan.

8. Second fermentation in the oven, 45 degrees 40 minutes

Steps 9 to 12

9. Take out the fermented dough, brush it over the eggs, and sprinkle it with coconut oil.

10. Preheat the oven, bake for 20 minutes at 160 degrees.

11. Out of the oven.


Handy cooking tips

  1. Different ovens also have different cooking times, for reference only.2. one-third of the egg yolk is left, and the final brush is applied to the bread.3. Add pumpkin paste, reduce the amount of milk, I used 80 g of milk.Observe the dough for the first time during the cooking process, adding liquid or flour as appropriate.