Purple bread rolls

2023-10-29 21:06:21BREADS


  There are countless types of bread that look good and taste good, and you can do whatever you want to do with it, depending on your imagination.Mima is a less imaginative person, who can occasionally innovate, and most of the time she learns from her culinary predecessors.Every time you change the shape of the bread, the child will be especially fresh, what kind of bread did the mother make today? Wow, good to see, wow, good to eat! Such praise, for the surprise of the child, with the joy of the mother, how good!



High powder 300 grams
30 grams of butter
140 grams of milk
One egg.
30 grams of white sugar
4 grams of yeast
Moderate amount of butter
2 grams of salt
Purple potatoes in moderation
White sugar in moderation

How TO MADE Purple bread rolls

Steps 1 to 4

1. Graph of materials.

2. Ignore the sesame.

3. The material other than the butter in material A is added to the bread machine first as a liquid and then as a powder and stirred into a paste.

4. Start the bread machine, make the dough into an initial stretchy dough, add butter, start again and do the dough process.

Steps 5 to 8

5. And the dough can be easily stretched.

6. Let the dough rise in the bread machine.

7. Prepare the purple potatoes, wash the purple potatoes, and steam them.

8. It's been a while since I've had this hair, it's been like this for an hour.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Divide the air out of the dough into small portions and roll them one by one.

10. Steamed purple potatoes are peeled and pressed into clay.

11. Add butter and sugar and stir evenly.

12. 10 pieces of purple mashed potatoes into balls.

Steps 13 to 16

13. The loosened dough is pressed into slices and placed on a purple potato filling.

14. Pack up your 12 bags.

15. 13 Flattened, tongue-shaped

16. 14 Use a sharp knife to cut the edge of the knife, deep enough for the filling, do not cut.

Steps 17 to 20

17. 15 Roll the bread first and then twist it into the mold

18. 16 Put the oven for secondary fermentation, put a plate of hot water in the oven to keep the humidity of the small space.

19. Take out the good bread, brush the eggs.

20. 17 Stir in the middle layer of the oven at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes, and the color is evenly cooked.
