Bread for the Rabbit

2023-10-29 21:07:27BREADS


  The day of making this bread was Friday, and when the children came back, the children came with them, and they were supposed to have dinner in the garden, but where was the temptation, one by one, the bread was quickly eaten.What's more interesting is that as soon as she sees the bread, she says, "Who made this?"My mother said it was made by Nanmi's mother, and the little boy said, "Nami's mother is great, she can do anything!" And then, he remembered this bread.It's actually bread, but it's a different shape.You can add fillings or not, it's up to you.My little girl also has a lot of expectations, looking at the picture book "Crow's Bread Shop", every time she reads about all kinds of bread, she asks her mother to do this and that, but it's better to do it for her anyway!Make some rabbit bread today.



High powder 300 grams
30 grams of butter
30 grams of white sugar
40 grams of milk
90 grams of water
4 grams of yeast
One egg.
2 grams of salt
Small amounts of chocolate

How TO MADE Bread for the Rabbit

Steps 1 to 4

1. The material in material A, except for the butter, is added to the bread maker's barrel in the order of liquid and powder, and stirred evenly.

2. Start the bread maker and add butter to the dough and smooth the dough.

3. Usually, one or two summary procedures are used.

4. It varies from bakery to bakery.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The butter is added and the dough process is restarted to bring the dough to a stretched state.

6. The dough is baked in the bread maker's barrel.

7. The dough is removed from the exhaust and divided into 6 large doughs and 12 small doughs.

8. Relax by rolling separately.

Steps 9 to 12

9. After the dough is loose, the large dough is rolled again, and the small dough is rubbed against the growth strips.

10. The long strip is the little rabbit's ears, and the big dough is the little rabbit's head.

11. The ear part of the rabbit, as thin as possible, because the fermentation will vary.

12. In turn, put it on a small piece of oil paper, so it's easy to move.

13. The finished rabbit is put in the oven for fermentation, and the oven needs to be heated to increase the humidity, and there's a picture missing.

14. About twenty minutes, take it out when it's cooked, brush it with egg yolk.

15. Preheat the oven 10 times, put the bread on it for about 15 minutes at 180 degrees, and the color will be uniform.

16. After the bread is baked, we can boil the chocolate, because it's very little, and we can isolate it directly with a bag of flowers.

17. 11 When the little rabbit comes out of the oven and cools down, cut a small hole in the bag and draw the little rabbit's eyes and mouth.

18. 12 little rabbits with all sorts of faces, do you like them?


Handy cooking tips

  300 grams of flour can make six, and if you only make four at a time, then 200 grams of flour is fine.