High-fiber weight loss pack

2023-10-29 21:08:25BREADS


  Nowadays, people are more and more focused on health, and any food with whole wheat and whole grains is bound to be a hit.But there are unscrupulous businessmen everywhere, many so-called whole-wheat foods are just added caramel color, today the tomato teacher teaches you how to make real high-fiber weight loss bread and whole-wheat toast at home?



175 grams of high starch flour
75 grams of whole wheat
Fine sugar 15 water 112 + 65 g
15 grams of butter
3 grams of yeast
3 grams of salt

How TO MADE High-fiber weight loss pack

Steps 1 to 4

1. 75 g of whole wheat flour mixed with 65 g of water soaked for more than 3 hours until the whole wheat flour is soft and sticky

2. 175 grams of high-fiber flour, 112 grams of water and 3 grams of yeast mixed evenly (no dough needed)

3. Fermentation at room temperature 25 ° C to about 3-4 times the size (usually takes more than 3 hours, if you are not mistaken 3-4 times not twice the size, which is necessary for medium fermentation)

4. The dough has a horseshoe-shaped shape and a wine-like smell, which indicates that the dough has been fermented.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Then mix the soaked whole wheat flour, sugar, and salt with the fermented dough.

6. After the reference squares (hand or baker's dough) are mixed with oil to the full stage, let stand for 30-40 minutes

7. Divide the dough into three equal parts and roll loosely for 20 minutes.

8. Reference square (milk toast) for the rolling of toast

Steps 9 to 12

9. If the oven has a fermentation function, you can turn on the fermentation function and then add a bowl of hot water to ensure humidity.

10. (If it's less yeast and a lower temperature, it takes longer, 8 to 9 minutes to fill)?