Bread made from black sugar cane

2023-10-29 21:08:38BREADS


  I always like to cut Teacher Meng's recipe in half.In this way, the baked dishes will not be squeezed together; in this way, they will be solved in a shorter time, if not sent to people.It's always fun to watch.Then cut it in half, like a housewife, and it's inconvenient to operate.I haven't found a solution yet.Suddenly, the brain opens up.The problem was solved by reducing the dough by half, using half of the total amount of soup, and diverting the remaining half to other uses.I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy to be with you.After cutting it in half, 100 grams of flour, the blender makes it a little less powerful.You haven't used the bread machine and the dough, you don't know if the bread is too small? You mix the bread in advance, put it in the bread machine, start the dough process, see that it's stirred a little bit, suddenly get impatient.The flour is mixed by hand to make a rough dough, but only for 1 minute, knead until slightly smooth and add another 1-2 minutes.And the machine takes many times as long.The dough is smaller, and the machine is prone to idling phenomena, which naturally makes the dough come out of the film longer, or less than manually kneading the dough.When the machine is stopped, take out the dough, stir it slightly, add butter, and pull the film for 10 minutes, which is faster than the machine can do.The only disadvantage is that I forgot the shape, folded the whole number into the dough, kneaded it twice, and remembered it.It's hard to separate half of the planned amount of flour that hasn't been mixed into the dough.A little more, a little more, a little more....



100 grams of starch
10 grams of fine sugar
8 grams of black sugar
2 grams of dry yeast
58 grams of water
8 grams of butter
1/8 teaspoon of salt
50 grams of honey
300 grams of water

How TO MADE Bread made from black sugar cane

Steps 1 to 4

1. Raw materials

2. Cleaning and controlling dry water

3. Add 300 grams of clear water and soak for 5 hours

4. Pour into the pot and cook over low heat until smooth.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Pour out, drain the water, and reserve the water.

6. Dough

7. Mixing materials other than butter

8. Grind into a slightly smooth dough and add butter

Steps 9 to 12

9. Keep rubbing until the film is pulled.

10. Add half of the soybeans

11. Stir, put in a bowl, basic fermentation for about 70 minutes

12. Growing up

Steps 13 to 16

13. Divide into 3 equal points, roll around, relax for 10 minutes

14. It grows into a rectangle of about 14 cm.

15. Rolled along the long edge

16. Put it on paper.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Finally, ferment for 30 minutes and the dough grows.

18. Surface brushing of egg yolk

19. Put in the oven, middle layer, heat 190 degrees, lower 180 degrees, bake for about 15 minutes

20. Gold on the surface, furnace

Handy cooking tips

  If the dough is doubled, all the wheat can be mixed into the dough.The flour should be dried as much as possible and then mixed into the dough.The fermentation time needs to be adjusted according to the actual temperature conditions.