Corn on the cob breakfast pack

2023-10-29 21:11:08BREADS


  Everyone says that having a child is stupid for three years, and I've had a child for almost eight years, why am I still stupid? One evening I was going to make some bread for breakfast, and I remember that I had bought a bag of whole wheat flour a while ago, and everything was ready, and then I waited for the whole wheat flour, and I looked through all the cupboards of food, and I didn't see any trace of the whole wheat flour, and then I remembered that the last time I was cleaning the cupboard, I found that the flour was thrown away until it was ready to be used.If you don't do it now because you don't have whole wheat flour, won't all the ingredients be wasted? If you have cornmeal at home, take the opportunity to replace it with whole wheat flour, and maybe it will be delicious.



200 grams of high-quality flour
60 grams of cornmeal
One egg.
20 grams of milk powder
40 grams of white sugar
3 grams of salt
95 grams of water
5 grams of yeast
15 grams of butter

How TO MADE Corn on the cob breakfast pack

Steps 1 to 4

1. Put all the ingredients except the butter in the bread maker (in the order of wet and dry, the yeast last)

2. Start the kneading process of the bread maker and knead the dough until it is smooth

3. Add the butter, continue the initiation and kneading process, knead to the expansion stage;

4. The well-mixed dough is fermented to two to three times its size, and the well-mixed dough is placed on a board and exhausted.

Steps 5 to 8

5. After the dough is exhausted, it is divided into an average of six equal parts and rolled for about 15 minutes.

6. The dough is formed into an oval.

7. fermented at room temperature for about 45 minutes

8. After fermentation, cut a few holes in the surface with a sharp knife and brush the egg juice.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the top for 15 minutes.

Handy cooking tips

  Corn flour is more water-absorbent, and there's more water in the process than in ordinary bread.