Onion bread

2023-10-29 21:13:05BREADS


  Sugar-free, oil-free European bread, plain in appearance, rich in flavor.



French bread flour 300 grams
6 grams of salt
2 grams of instant yeast
195 grams of water
80 grams of onions
80 grams of flour

How TO MADE Onion bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. The flour is sifted, the salt and yeast are placed on either side of the flour, and the water is mixed until the powder is invisible;

2. Transfer to the table and mix with palm pressure until the dough is evenly hardened;

3. Press the flat dough, take 80 g of the dough made the day before (see recipe) and wrap it in it; onion bread method Step 7

4. Repeat step 2, knead until the dough is mixed;

Steps 5 to 8

5. Striking the dough on the table;

6. Then fold it and wrap the air in it; rotate the dough 90°, repeat wrestle-fold-rotate for about 10 minutes;

7. When the surface of the dough is smooth, press it flat, place the onion pieces in the middle of the dough and press them slightly;

8. Fold the dough from the sides to the center, wrap the onion pieces, knead the dough with the onion in a pushing way, and then continue to wrestle the dough for about five minutes;

Steps 9 to 12

9. The onion-crushed dough is very sticky, and a little hand powder helps to round it up.

10. The rounded dough is placed in a bowl smeared with olive oil, covered with a preservative film, and fermented at room temperature;

11. The first fermentation is completed when the volume is doubled;

12. Spread the dough, remove the fermented dough and divide it into two equal parts;

Steps 13 to 16

13. Rub it in circles, turn the mouth down, cover it with a cloth and leave it for 15 minutes.

14. Spread the dough on the surface with your hands and press the exhaust with your palms;

15. Mix in circles, face down, and put in a pan with oil paper.

16. With a knife, draw a pattern of leaf veins, cover the cloth and do a final fermentation to double the original volume;

Steps 17 to 20

17. Place the container at the bottom of the oven, pour it into a bowl of water, preheat the oven to 220 degrees, put the bag in, heat up, medium, bake for about 25 minutes;

18. The baked bread is immediately removed from the oven and placed on a shelf to cool, at which time the sound of the bread crust exploding can be heard.


Handy cooking tips

  1. The initial stage of kneading the dough will be very sticky, do not add hand powder, continue to soften and it will become smooth.2. After adding the onion, the onion juice will make the dough more sticky, at which time you can sprinkle a little hand powder on the table.3. The recipe is based on the bread-making books of the French Academy of Blue Belt Chefs, reducing the amount of salt and adjusting the water to 65% of the flour, or 60% of the original recipe if you want a better operation.4. The dough can be stored in the refrigerator for three days, the freezer can be stored for three months, and it can be reheated at room temperature before use, the specific preparation method can be found in the recipe.5. The temperature varies from household to household, so the length of fermentation is not given. Please judge whether the fermentation is complete by the change in the volume of the dough.6. fresh from the oven, the outer skin is crispy, the inside is soft and chewy, the outer skin becomes soft after a while.The slices of bread are lightly fried in a pan with a little olive oil, the skin is restored to its crispness, and the aroma is stronger.7. The recipe uses T65 French bread flour, which can be replaced with all-purpose flour.