Bread made from dairy products

2023-10-29 21:16:09BREADS


  I thought I'd take the opportunity today to learn how to make it, and I gave it to my brother's one-year-old grandson.So he made six round bags of food and three bags of bread, and when he gave them to the baby, he saw that he was very happy, and one of them said, "The baby's foot, the baby's foot, I don't want to lose my hand".



Eggs 35 grams
2 grams of salt
3 grams of yeast
20 grams of butter
30 grams of sugar
85 grams of milk
200 grams of high-quality flour
1 tablespoon of egg juice
15 grams of milk
60 grams of meat
One plate of sesame 60 grams

How TO MADE Bread made from dairy products

Steps 1 to 4

1. The main ingredients other than butter are all packed in barrels.

2. Start the baking machine and the dough process

3. At the end of the process, add the softened butter and press one.

4. At this point, the dough can be pulled out of the complete and unbreakable bookshelf.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Rub the circle into the pan.

6. Covered with a preservative film to ferment to 2.5 times the temperature

7. Remove the exhaust gas into 9 parts, 6 small circles, 35 parts, 3 large circles, 55 grams per part, cover the film for 15 minutes.

8. At this point, make the meatloaf filling: take 15 grams of condensed milk and mix it in the meatloaf.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Take a small dough, cut it in a ratio of 4:6, and then cut the dough into five small pieces in a ratio of 4

10. Crush the dough in a ratio of 6 and put the right amount of meat into the ball and squeeze it downward.

11. Wrap the loose meat in a round ball, then gently flatten the growth circle, put it in the grill, finally rub the 5 small pieces of dough in 4 proportions to grow in a circle, press each one on top of the long circular dough, forming 5 small legs, it's cute

12. When the whole is cooked, remove it until it is twice the size, while preheating the oven: 180 degrees up and down

Steps 13 to 16

13. Brush the whole egg juice on the surface and sprinkle a little sesame for flavor

14. Put in the middle layer of a preheated oven: bake on 180 degrees for 17 minutes, turn 160 degrees, bake for another 3 minutes

15. The golden surface of the bread is ready to be baked.

16. Round meat loaf

Steps 17 to 20

17. Cute little feet

18. It's full of meat and it's delicious.

Handy cooking tips

  If the weather is cold, the second fermentation of the bread, is to put it in the oven + 2 tablespoons of hot water to finish the meat loaf is drier, if you do not have the sauce or the milk, it is easy to disperse 3 tablespoons at different temperatures in each oven, only for reference, in general, the bread only needs to be baked for 15 minutes, then turned 160 degrees and baked for 3 minutes, the effect is just right