Little Bear bread

2023-10-29 21:16:10BREADS


  It's almost Children's Day, make a little bear bread to celebrate Children's Day, haha.



100 grams of milk
25 g of white sugar
1 gram of salt
15 grams of vegetable oil
200 grams of high-quality flour
2 grams of yeast
Soybeans in moderation

How TO MADE Little Bear bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. All the ingredients except the tofu are thrown into the bread bucket and the dough is started.

2. Fermented up to 2.5 times

3. After exhaling, it is divided into seven parts and left for 15 minutes, and a small dough is made for the ears, eyes and mouth of the bear cubs.

4. Take one of them and wrap it in soy sauce.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Slightly flattened by hand

6. Put the ears, eyes and mouths of the bear cubs in a warm place for a second fermentation.

7. Ferment to twice the size, brush the egg yolk, preheat the oven, 175 degrees, bake for 16 minutes

8. Baby bear bread, I'm going to eat you in my stomach, haha

Handy cooking tips

  1. the moisture absorption of the flour varies, depending on the actual situation 2. the oven temperature is for reference only