Almond bread

2023-10-29 21:16:12BREADS





200 grams of high-quality flour
40 grams of egg
90 grams of water
15 grams of milk powder
1 gram of salt
2 grams of high-sugar yeast
20 grams of butter
40 g of white sugar
Almonds in moderation

How TO MADE Almond bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. The main dough ingredients are placed together in the baking machine, and the standard baking process of the baking machine is started.

2. After 28 minutes of kneading, check the state of the loaf of bread.

3. After preparing the dough, it is placed in the wrapping machine for fermentation for 30 minutes.

4. The dough is well fermented.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Remove the dough for aeration and divide the dough into an average of 24 pieces.

6. Roll the circle and put it in the mold.

7. Put in the oven for a second fermentation for 30 minutes.

8. (Put a bowl of warm water in the oven, it's in good condition.)

Steps 9 to 12

9. Scrub the surface of the fermented bread with egg yolk.

10. Sprinkle a moderate amount of almond slices on the surface.

11. It is baked in a preheated oven at 170 degrees for 23 minutes.

12. The color of the surface is enough for the paper.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Remove the bread after baking.

14. Map of the finished product.

15. Chart of the internal organization of the bread