Bread for the bear cubs

2023-10-29 21:19:04BREADS


  Crushed bread is a bread that has been very popular on the Internet for some time, with a variety of shapes and expressions, always made with the heart and soul, just with the newly started mold, with the newly received oven, immediately started ha;



250 grams of flour
80 grams of flour
140 grams of water
2 grams of salt
10 grams of fine sugar
3 grams of low-sugar yeast
10 grams of unsalted butter
A little cocoa powder.
A little bit of almond.
A little dark chocolate
A little white sugar cream.

How TO MADE Bread for the bear cubs

Steps 1 to 4

1. Tear the surface into small pieces and put it in the container; put all the ingredients except the butter in the container and add clean water, the amount of water can be reserved for 10 grams, try to add according to the water absorption of the flour;

2. Run the dough in groups, put it in butter, continue the dough process; after the dough process, the film can be pulled out;

3. Divide 100 grams of dough, add a little cocoa powder, knead into a smooth dough; round the dough into a bowl for the first fermentation; ferment at room temperature (22 degrees) for about 2 hours;

4. The fermented dough is divided, the white dough is divided into 10 equal parts, each about 30 grams, the cocoa dough is divided into 4 parts; the dough is rolled, put in a plate, and doubled;

Steps 5 to 8

5. Fermented at room temperature for about an hour, the dough is fermented in place; the surface of the dough is sifted with an appropriate amount of high powder;

6. Heat the oven 170 degrees above and 165 degrees below, preheating the cake/bread mode;

7. The mold is placed in a preheated oven and baked for 20 minutes; during baking, the temperature and time can be adjusted at any time without having to stop the oven;

8. It's time to take out the grill, take out the bread, put it on the grill and cool it down.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The dark chocolate is put in a flower bag, melted with insulation, the white sugar paste is squeezed into a small circle, squeezed with a little chocolate, made into the bear's mouth, a drop of chocolate is poured on the dough, and the bear's mouth is carefully glued with a needle;

10. The bear's eyes are painted with chocolate, the top of the eyes is cut with a knife, and the almond slices are inserted.

11. Map of the finished product

12. Map of the finished product

Steps 13 to 16

13. Map of the finished product

Handy cooking tips

  1 tablespoon of old dough is the remaining dough for making bread, it is not omitted, it is OK to use the direct method; 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder can be used, originally intended to make a bear's head, the finished product is not well arranged; 3 tablespoons of white sugar paste is made with cotton sugar and milk powder, it can be eaten; 4 tablespoons of baked products are white dough, if you like the color, the surface of the dough is scrubbed with egg juice;