Cow horn bread

2023-10-29 21:22:16BREADS


  I like to make all kinds of bread and enjoy the whole process of making bread.



High starch flour 300 grams
40 grams of cream
5 grams of yeast powder
40 grams of egg juice
30 grams of sugar
25 grams of butter
2 grams of salt
1005 grams of water

How TO MADE Cow horn bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. All the ingredients are mixed, except for the butter, and the butter is smoothly rubbed out of the membrane, and the fermentation is doubled in the warm place, and the hole in the middle does not shrink, indicating that the fermentation is good.

2. Divide the dough into 20 pieces, 5 pieces in a set, and relax for 10 minutes.

3. The growth bar is about 35 cm long.

4. Five sets of heads are squeezed, arranged in the order of five, two, one, three, two, three, then the tail is squeezed, shaped into a cow's horn (the tail must be squeezed).

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put it in the oven for a second fermentation.

6. After the second fermentation, the surface of the egg is brushed.

7. Put in a preheated oven at 165 degrees for 40 minutes.

8. Out of the oven

Steps 9 to 12

9. Shaping (yelling)

Handy cooking tips

  It's better to remember the thickness of the middle and the thinness of the sides when rubbing.2. Cooking time and temperature can be adjusted according to the oven.3. Don't overdo it when bread is baked, otherwise the cow's horn will look bad on the fat pile.